sunday snap #14.

#1. This weeks TV obsessions have been trash TV. I've finished True Blood up to season three and I have to say it was brilliant. I am actually considering investing in the books. Right now I'm loving Jersey Shore (which I always do), My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and Vampire Diaries which returned this weekend. I don't think I'll have enough time soon to keep up with all my favourite programmes thanks to all the uni work but I'll somehow find a way... I have to, it keeps me sane that little bit of chill time!

#2. I went out with my girls yesterday to Chiquitos it was goooood. I'm watching my eating and trying to choose healthy options and it appears to be working. I can still go out and have a good time just focus on my moderation and exercise. Next week I'm upping my workouts to try and get to my target weight for my holiday... So far so good just need to keep up motivation. And it's not actually like I've lost it at all. I feel weird if I'm not working out at the start of every morning now, it's become natural to me even after a month! I'm looking forward to seeing the end result if I say so myself.

#3. I'm starting uni work even though I have a long time to complete it. I need to keep on top of work this year in order to actually be able to have a life around it. I have two weeks to do a Literacy Review before I start the next topic given to me but it doesn't have to be in until April as a huge portfolio. However me being the freak of OCD nature I need to get on with something to know I'm actually doing something. I am completely blah about this though as I don't 100% understand what I'm doing meaning I'm going to email my tutor about the most menial of things but if it's got to be done to pass then it's got to be done!

#4. Weight update: I've lost 9lbs! I am actually chuffed about it so much you don't realise. I can see a slight difference in my body but not a lot. I've got into my Forever 21 dress which was one of my goals but I'm only a small way there yet. I really want to lost about two-three stone before I go on holiday and if I keep on top of it I'll meet my goal. Really need to invest back into a gym pass, it's just life gets in the way and if I can workout at home I'm less likely to skive off. Haha! I am actually feeling tons more confident about doing OOTD posts and stuff like that so this can only mean bigger/better things for the blog! Woop! :P


dress: asos
ring: asos
leggings: topshop
necklace: asos

TGIF everyone! This week has completely tired me out way too much. It's really hard getting back into the swing of things with uni and I definitely know this semester I'm going to have to keep on top of my work for sure! Anyway today's outfit of the day consists of something that I threw on because I'm not really having a lot of time to put outfits together as of late. The lighting is also quite bad just because of the fact that it's still dark when I wake up in a morning... Seriously I'm so ready for summer that it's unbelievable.

I adore Peter Pan collared anything... I'm obsessed with it. I as many dresses as I can in different styles or colours if they have a peter pan collar... However I have about six now so at least one for every day of the week and I don't think I'll be buying anymore. As for the colour scheme I'm going to have to get out of this black on black considering it's not meant to be "in" this season or something. I'm kind of lost without at least one black item gracing my body - it's classic and my go to colour I guess if I'm feeling a little lost as of what to wear.

Another indication that I'm so ready for summer is the colour coral on my nails. I'm bored of dark, dreary colours (yet I'm wearing black! contradiction much?) so my nails are the easiest option to express this without being too "out there". Hope everyone has a great weekend whether you have anything planned out not, haha!

P.S. For footwear upon taking the pictures/video I'm usually just wearing black socks... If not then I go for my trusty books either my tan ones or my biker black ones. :)

recent purchases: lipsticks.

l-r 17 - blonde and 17 - beehive

This week's purchases have been light. I'm planning a holiday in the summer with my girlies so saving is my main thing, that and maybe going to see Kings of Leon in the summer (fingers crossed!) so when it comes to makeup, nail varnish, and especially clothes I'm having to slowly wean myself off. Anyway when I saw these two lipsticks I just had to spend the last £10 that was in my purse.


Beehive is lot pinkier than I actually go for but I ADORE this lipstick. I think it may have taken over my Nude Delight but don't quote me on that. It runs over the lips so smoothly and the mirror shine finish gives it the hint that gloss is over the lips and lipstick. I think this lipstick has changed my opinion on pinky coloured lipsticks and I'm definitely not going to snub them now. If you want a light coloured lipstick Beehive is definitely the way forward and such a steal at £4!


Blonde when looking it was definitely my cup of tea as you know I'm partial to a nude lipstick and upon looking at this lipstick I liked it however when I applied it onto my lips I'm not that keen if I'm totally honest. I feel when this lipstick is applied to the lips it doesn't work. I don't know maybe its about my my own personal choice. Anyway, I don't think I'll be re-puschasing this lipstick. Meh.

sunday snap #13.

#1. First of all why the hell haven't I watched True Blood before now?! That show is actually genius. I don't start uni until Monday due to timetable changes and I decided I was going to catch up on some programmes. I sat and watched the entire first season in one day. I've almost finished season two and I want to be on season three by the end of tonight! I'm determined to get caught up with every single episode. Oh and how cute is Ryan Kwanten? Seriously when I saw I thought, OH MY GOODNESS! Haha… He has changed so much since I last saw him in Summerland years ago… It actually made me feel old, if I tell you the truth. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is if anyone hasn't seen it, definitely check it out!

#2. From the above, like I said, I haven't been at uni all week. Which means all I've done is sit in the house watching programmes, checking out tumblr and twitter and basically having no life. Really it is the small things in life because I actually feel really happy with that! Well for now anyway… aha!

#3. As of next week I'll be back at Uni, it's actually depressing to be honest. I need to get out of the house but reality sets back in and work starts piling up which of course is annoying, but seriously we're so close to summer again that I just know it's going to fly by as long as I stay on top of everything. It's not that I don't like my course, I actually know this is the right thing for me but sometimes, sometimes I just wish that things came to me easily. Don't we all huh? Haha!

#4. I put two youtube videos up on my channel this week, make sure you check them out and tell me what you think. As soon as Uni rolls around they're probably going to be far and few between particularly as work comes in so apologies in advance for that!

#5. Diet wise I've been keeping with my no alcohol, no "bad" things, and I'm sticking to it. I can really see the difference in my skin, not that it's bad or anything but I have really dry skin and it isn't as bad since I've been taking care of what I eat and drink. I'm definitely going to keep it up, because I feel better, I'm sleeping better oh and I have a holiday planned with my friends so I want to look "good" for that! Haha! Shallow hall much? :P


coat: asos
tunic: primark
leggings: topshop

More and more recently I've been so bored of my hair. I really want to ombre it but I've never dyed my hair in all my 19 years and I'm really weary about it considering I change my mind about a lot of things all the time. Right now I want to dye it by three days ago I was thinking how blah it could look after a while. I don't know!

Anyway today's outfit is completely thrown together. I've been wanting a quilted coat for so long and loved the one I saw on Asos recently. I bought it and thankfully got student discount, I love them so much I'm thinking of getting a different colour but I'm not sure. Right now I'm multi-tasking between True Blood, Jersey Shore and This Morning - my life is so interesting haha!

Hope everyone has a great day!

jewellery collection - rings.

This is probably going to be my first installment to my jewellery collection. I started off with rings because they are probably my favourite piece of jewellery baring earrings. Hope you like the video and keep watching and checking out both the blog and youtube. I think I'm going to bring and OOTD post tomorrow!

Have a great day!

outfit of the night?

dress: asos
earrings: topshop
bag: topshop
shoes: new look
rings: topshop, asos (not pictured)
necklace: topshop

Okay, excuse the super big photo and my serious case of red eye - but this is my Outfit of the day/night(?) from when I went out for my friends birthday last saturday! She turned 19! I wasn't planning on wearing this because I usually always wear black when I go out and it's getting kind of boring for me but the dress that I was originally wearing ended up being marked which annoyed the living heck out of me so I turned to my beloved black! Haha!

The dress is from ASOS and follows the big trend of S/S 11 which is pleats. And I'm a huge sleeve person considering it tends be cold when you're waiting outside those night clubs.... ;)

sunday snap #12.

#1. Sunday snap is here again folks. I don't have much to fill you in on this week. My life has consisted of working out, chilling, hanging out with friends and clubbing. Yesterday I went out up town for my friends 19th birthday which is tomorrow! I had a great time. Most likely I'll have an outfit post of my outfit up for you guys on that tomorrow or Tuesday. Slightly weary of posting the pictures because I don't like them but then again when do I?

#2. I cleaned my bedroom out this week and found so much junk that it's unbelievable. I am such a hoarder! It's actually really bad though. My mom has put a ban on me buying any new clothes. I can't say I blame her really, they are everywhere in the house! Haha! I shouldn't laugh about it really think about all the money I've spent and what I could have bought with it!

#3. I thought I went back to Uni this commencing week but apparently I don't start until the following week due to last minute scheduling changes. GET. IN. Haha! Sometimes it really is the little things isn't it?

#4. Working out commenced again this week. I biked 13 miles a day, five times a week, and increased my intensity. My Dad said he can tell I've lost weight. Not a lot, probably 5lbs, but small amounts. I most likely put it back on from going out yesterday but you only live once and as long as I stay on the road next week this weekend will have been forgotten. Just think of the dream body at the end eh?


coat: vintage
shorts: g21
rings: asos, topshop, topshop
t-shirt: topshop

It's wednesday night, and I've spent most of my night on tumblr looking at pictures of festivals and such. This blog is going to be a pouring my heart out type if you so will, but whatever. I have to say I found a lot of outfits that I absolutely loved and they all involved shorts. Now the above picture is mine, taken on tuesday night, and my legs actually look okay in it but I just want to stress its my stance in the picture believe me.

Anyway, what I'm trying to get at with this post is those pictures that I've seen have become my inspiration. I want to get a fit body, an amazing body in fact. If that means I have to work my butt off by going to the gym and doing 1hr sessions five times a week then thats what I'm going to have to do but I honestly want to be happy when I'm being photographed. I want to know that when I look back on pictures I'm not going to be grossed out by myself.

I think I'm going to buy a pair of shorts that I'm going to work my butt off to get into. I've seen some that I really like and I'm going to make it happen. I want to be able to rock the festival chic look if I go on holiday or to an actual festival instead of feeling like I have to hide my body. I'm doing good as of now, my workouts have been happening for an hour five times a week. I'm focused, I know what I need to do to achieve what I want.

I just need to keep my motivation.

christmas and sales haul!

Hey everyone! Here's a new video about the presents I received over christmas and the stuff I got in the sales. I'm currently sitting here finishing off my essay which has to be in this Thursday! I'mat 882 words, and the essay is 1000 words in total. I've got to conclude and then hopefully I get about 950 or something. Thank goodness for 10% I say!

Enjoy the rest of the day!

sunday snap #11.

#1. So the first week of January has already gone, can you believe it! Why is everything going by so fast? Essay update as of today is that I have 361 words left to right, in which I have explain my argument and conclude. I don't make things easy for myself do I?

#2. Working out update: I biked 12 miles, 5 times this week. I lost 4lbs, and in general feel so much better about myself. I don't know what it is but I really feel the difference now. I know that I'm going to keep going with what I'm doing, it's gonna be harder when at Uni with the temptation of fast food surrounding me every where but it has just got to be done.

#3. I'm glad the snow only stayed for one day, it finally got the message thank god! I hate the snow, sure its great to look out at, and makes everything pretty but its really dangerous. I'd like to have a safe travel rather than walking like goodness knows what because I don't want to fall. My biggest fear about snow is falling, ugh! I just hate it!

#4. I'll try my hardest to update the blog this week but with work being the main priority if I don't get my essay spot on done then chances are looking slim. I may get a video up on my youtube, chances of that happening are more likely and I'll upload it to here too, so check that out if you can! Everyone have a great night!

top knot.

cardigan: asos
scarf: river island
top: asos

Theres nothing a top knot can't fix and in my case it's greasy hair. I really can't be bothered to wash my hair today to tell you the truth so I've decided that I'd just do this. I didn't get up till really late today which mean any work on my essay was out of the window. I only have 400 or so words left to write and it doesn't have to be in until Thursday next week so I'm definitely going to try and get that done before tomorrow is out.

I'm in the middle of planning a girls holiday abroad with my friends. I have no idea where we are going to go but I know one thing for sure I'm definitely going to stick to the health kick that I'm on at the minute. I'm already seeing a different in my face and I actually am sleeping so much better. Confidence is something that should come along with this health kick and I'd love to drop two or three dress sizes. I have until June/July time so that appears possible considering you have lose what? 2 stone to drop two dress sizes. Anyway, fingers crossed this works out.

peter pan.

dress: asos
tights: primark
rings: primark and topshop

Long time no blog, haha! Well today I decided that enough was enough, I was going to give myself at least one day off from writing my stupid essay and blog. Yeah, I've got another essay, stupid uni!

So I bit the bullet and recorded a video for my youtube channel considering I'm not getting any great pictures at all and the videos are simple and quicker to do. My outfit is pretty basic, just a dress and tights, from ASOS and Primark. I think people are beginning to see a pattern I know I am! The dress is really comfortable and actually keeps me quite warm without being too overbearing so defintely something that can be carried through, paring it with tights just because I don't like my legs haha!

In other news I've enjoyed these holidays and don't have to got back to uni until 17th Jan, my bestie's actual birthday, but have to hand in my essay on 13th Jan, because of course that makes sense doesn't it... Haha! Apart from that I don't think there's anything else to report... Have a great night!

sunday snap #10.

#1. First up WASSUP 2011!!!!!!! You started off great but have now gone poop because I have to write and essay for uni that's in two weeks time... Gah! WHYYYYYYY! Anyway, I had a great New Years with friends, dancing and singing the night away. I had some much fun, but now I need to get back into the grind.

#2. News Years Resolutions, I hate them, but this year I've really decided that I'm going to get back into the swing of fitness. I'm gonna start slowly, hence the exercise bike that I had as a Christmas Present, and then I'm gonna re-join the gym. I'm am looking to lose weight, but really I'd like to drop dress sizes and feel happy with my body. Another resolution is to drink alcohol a whole lot less, I'm gonna be T-total unless I go out properly, but this I mean to a club, that's it. I had to do this because I really feel terrible, I need some form of motivation again. Plus I have a bunch of clothes that are amazing and I can't quite fit into!

#3. To be honest I don't know what else to say on this! I'm glad I got some outfit posts up this week even if the pictures that go with them are terrible haha! I hope everyone is having a great New Year so far and here's to a fab 2011.

Oh yeah, and PS: How great was it that it was 1.1.11 yesterday? Haha, I'm such a geek!

Happy New Year!

dress: asos
tights: topshop
necklace: asos
rings: primark/tophsop (not pictured)
shoes: topshop (not pictured)

Happy New Year everyone! Just thought I'd post a quick picture of what I was wearing last night. Had a great time with friends, went clubbing and actually enjoyed it! Thought I was going to hate it and the place was going to be packed out but it was okay. The prices for drinks was absolutely insane thought, for a bottle of WKD it was £3.80... WHAT?! Haha, I don't know why I'm so surprised though.

Again, Happy New Year. 2011, bring it!