Why did I do this?


Im not very good at this sort of thing, hence the title of the first blog, I mean if I can't type why have I decided to do a blog telling people about what is going on within my life? Wow, I'm pretty stupid! [Haha] Anyway, thats a really excellent way to start, way to try and grab readers Lizz! Most of the people reading this right now are most likely thinking, is this girl mentally challenged?!?!

Im not so don't worry! I just like to...I dont know try and make people laugh... [which Im most likely failing miserably at too, I expect!] So take me as I am or leave! Kidding, I love you all [Sounds like an Oscar speech in the making!] Are you guys liking the title for the blog? Im a miny miley [Im not bashing her, Ive never met her so...anyways I'll stop before I dig myself into a deeper hole. I seriously hope this blog doesn't get me into any trouble] by the sounds of it - "School, Shopping and Superstarsssss" - Im not a diva its just I couldn't think of anything else!! So as I'm typing this Im doing all sorts, actually drinking green tea, which is hardly suprising so expect to read that a lot in every bloggg cause well I love it! Im looking through tickets, both for concerts, and for flights... the next year is going to be a crazy one for sure so watch out world, and get ready cause Im charging at you with a vengence!

Concerts yessss, they have something to do with those Jonas Boys, exciting much?!?! oooh and flights too have something to do with those Jonas Boys...wow O____O, just wow. Its 5pm on a Wednesday, middle of the week people, what do you expect. Im half hyper cause its almost the weekend, yet I still know its only been three days since the last weekend, so pretty much stuck right in the middle! Currently residing in my messy room [I really should do something about that and maybe clean it! that would be an excellent start] in England.

Yeah Im English, so to half of the people who are reading this [may most likely be some friends from America] anyone want to trade places and let me move somewhere exotic...but after May though! Cause May within my life is pretty darn great! Expect a lot of blogging in May. I think Im rambling a little too much now, and just as I pressed "preview" on this Im kinda proud of how much I have written within my first blog. So I'm out of green tea, which makes me sad, what did I tell you Im addicted. At least its healthy, and not laden-down-with-calories-like-Starbucks-frapps/coffee [which a certain person ALWAYS has! haha!] I'll try and update this as much as I can, so check back regularly to see what has happened within my life.

Who knows tomorrow I could walk into a modelling casting and within the next couple of weeks you'll see me on the cover of Teen Vogue, or starring in a advert for Green Tea [Dude I would totally rock that so if anyone from Twinings is reading this CALL ME!] haha or yet again I could just get up and go to school [which out of the two sounds less dream-like] Check back soon!

Love Lizz xoxo