fitness friday: taking some you time.

picture courtesy of weheartit

During my experience of "dieting" and changing my lifestyle, I have found that you can get a little wrapped up in the whole thing. Stressing about numbers, clothes, inch loss or lack of. It's fair to say that sometimes it can all become a little too much for one person to take. It then becomes a viscous cycle - thinking constantly about why the weight isn't falling off as quickly as it piles on. Well, it has been suggested that all this worry, endless thinking and constant stressing is one of the reason why those thighs aren't shrinking.

Stress. We have all suffered from it in one stage of our life or another. Whether it's university work, paying bills, children; everyone understands and knows the feeling where everything around them is bubbling under the surface and close to exploding. When you feel like you are doing everything right but everything is going wrong, it can be hard. So my advice is to take a step back, and take some you time.

Before you start blaming yourself, ramping up the treadmill a notch higher or cutting out another one of those food groups; relax.

It's no secret that stress isn't healthy for you, or your blood pressure. Now, growing evidence has shown that stress makes you gain pounds and is more often than not partly responsible for that excess muffin top finding its way over the top of your favourite Topshop jeans. Good news is like everything else, there is a way to combat it with the right calming techniques, diet and exercise.

Take some you time
Take yourself out of the situation and focus on something else. By taking some time for you, your mind will be else where. Maybe on what colour nail varnish you want on your toes during the pedicure that you are treating yourself with/to.

Slow your breathing
Can't slow your life down then try your breathing instead? Five deep, long breaths in 30 seconds will calm your down and reduce stress levels fast. As your breathing patterns show how stressed you are, try and remove yourself from the situation or sit quietly and count how many breaths you take in a minute (more than fifteen and you are probably worked up). Practice slowing your breathing a few minutes daily until you can take ten long, slow breaths in one minute. You will feel calm, collected and rebalanced as more oxygen enters your bodily system.

Keep it moving
Studies have shown that just ten minutes acitivity - especially outside - can reduce the levels of cortisol in the body. Exercise is natural anti-depressant. Next time you fancy eating your feelings, try a quick walk or run. It may not solve the problem entirely but for that moment you are else where, feeling happier (post exercise high) and feel like you can cope for the next couple of hours.

- Look out for certain foods: 
          - Celery: Celery contains relaxing compounds that help inhibit the release of stress hormones into the blood stream.
          - Walnuts: Walnuts contain a natural anti-depressant called uridine. A small handful could keep your blood sugar stable. 

currently coveting #1

Of course it's sod's law that when you are on a spending ban you find a ton of things that you really, really want. Whilst I was browsing a couple of websites, namely topshop, river island and miss selfridge this is exactly what happened to me.

From looking at what I'm "currently coveting" you wouldn't think that it was summer. Near enough ever single thing I like screams autumn/winter - maybe I'm mirroring the awful weather we have in UK at the moment (no maybe about it really!).

My biggest loves featured have to be the mink bag and the army jacket with the leather-look sleeves. Sigh, if only money was infinite huh?!

I Got Stripes.

blouse: asos
jeans: dorothy perkins

rings: h&m and primark
nails: antique coral - natural collection  

Again another simple outfit, blouse and jeans. I'm loving this combination because like I said last time you can look put together without having to put a great deal of effort in. Of course that makes me sound considerably lazy, but when I'm having to get up early in the morning to fit in workouts sometimes making myself look pretty isn't at the top of my list (really the only thoughts that are crossing my mind are that I just want to take a long bath/have a refreshing shower and eat some good food for breakfast and refuel).

Therefore it's more than likely going to be a slow week on the blog this week. I haven't really bought anything new for me to review (watching my pennies considering I'm going on holiday in Sept!) and sometimes putting together outfit posts takes a lot longer than I can find time for in my day, especially with the awful weather we have been having lately (lighting is such an issue - even in the daytime!). Hopefully you guys will bare with me and enjoy the posts that I do put together and publish and wait for my mojo to return! 

P.S. excuse the no makeup (eek! Red skin galore!)

week in pics #22

#1. Barry M - Red Black, #2. Brushing up on my driving, #3. Hot bath + bath salts = goodbye muscle ache from running, #4. Another driving book, #5. Snacks, #6. French Mani, #7. Soup, #8. Dinner, #9. Treat, #10. Volvic challenge, #11. Highway code, #12. Catching up on one of my fave youtubers/bloggers, #13. c25k training, #14. Yummy!, #15. Obssessed with Bejeweled Blitz (no life), #16. Food diary 1, #17. Food diary stuffs, #18. Natural Collections' - Antique Coral, #19. c25k, #20. Breakfast, #20. Loving this series from Gemma at gemsmaquillage, #21, 22, 23. Food, food and more food!, #24. WW, #25. New high score, #26. c2k training for the week complete!, #27. porridge, #28. SLTAT, #29. Lunch, #30. Weight/toning training plan, #31. Another new high score, #32. Primark goodies, #33. Tackling my new crosstrainer!

fitness friday: food diary roundup #1

*Before I start writing this week's diary roundup, I just want to point out that this is what I eat, what works for me etc... I am quite a fussy eater (haha!) and whilst some of this may not be considerably "healthy" it is what is working for me. For those of you who are unaware I follow the Weight Watchers programme.*

I went into this week with a positive outlook. Monday wasn't that much of a struggle food wise and I honestly believe that this is definitely down to planning. One thing that I like about the Weight Watchers plan is that you can actually eat as long as you understand portion sizes are key to success and actually eating your points you're good to go! White carbs aren't really something that I like to eat but considering we didn't have any brown bread in the house at the time, I had to reach for some of dreaded white bread (I swear it's the devil in food form!). Dinner was my favourite of tuna, cheese and pasta, unfortunately before I had time to photograph it I had chomped up the entire bowlful. A lot of people think that in order to diet you have to step away from "fats" and "carbs", however I still reach for both of them (especially in my final meal of this Monday's food plan) and it's not doing me any harm. However, I have to note that the amount of cheese I use and what pasta I eat (always Wholemeal) significantly changes the "healthy" aspect of the two foods.

After a successful morning run, I probably didn't fuel my body in the best way that I could. In order to improve on this a slice of wholemeal toast would have most likely been greatly appreciated by my body. Once again the odd treat is fine, everything in moderation. For my lunch I threw a packet of two WW (weight watchers) cookies into the mix. They fill any sugar cravings and make you feel less deprived. You may notice that once again any "proper" veg is missing from my diet, I'm not a huge veg lover - I tend to reach for fruits as my five-a-day and have no more than four pieces per day (due to hidden sugars, that naturally are still better for you than sugars found in chocolate etc... but still nonetheless need to be monitored).

Breakfast was repetitive, but porridge is brilliant start for the body. Consisting of slow releasing carbohydrates, it definitely keeps me fuller for longer. I have to say that lunch was my favourite meal of Wednesday. Tuna (in spring water) is considerably low in points on WW and I find it very filling. My plate for lunch felt considerably balanced, protein, carbohydrates (both slow releasing with the wholemeal toast and a bit of rush with some WW Cheese puffs) and fibre (Apple's are incredible for this). As a mid-week pick me up, if you will, I managed to fit a "proper" dessert into my week and hate a mint ice cream (all within my daily points value). Job well done!

Whilst this wasn't the entire amount of food I consumed throughout the week, it gives you a little idea of where my diet is going. I'm choosing slow releasing carbs, lean proteins (tuna, cod, chicken) and minerals through fruits - whilst still having a treat along the way! So far these food choices have helped me lose 10lbs (not including the 23lbs that I lost beforehand).

Until next time, keep tracking and everything in moderation!

that shirt.

top: asos
jeans: dorothy perkins
nails: models own - grace green
I love outfits like this; one's that I can throw on and not put much effort into but still look put together. A lovely blouse and a good pair of black skinny jeans are definitely something that every girl should have in their wardrobe. I honestly never thought I would see the day where I became a jeans girl all over again. I went through a phase where I only wore leggings, tunics and cardigans - I even think some of that was documented on this very blog (eek!) but like everything style changes and moves on.

This blouse like I said when I first debuted it on this blog (read about that here) is a little out of my comfort zone. I say that it was a little garish but at the same time muted. If you let the shirt do the talking I think you can look effortlessly stylish and when thrown with my comfy black skinnies from Dotty P's in my eyes it does exactly that!

top five holiday nail polishes.

l-r: barry m - peach melba, models own - disco mix, rimmel - tangerine queen, models own - nude beige, barry m - blueberry.

week in pics #21

#1. skincare, #2. driving lesson sheets, #3. food, #4. cheeky asos haul, #5. food diary, #6. nails, #7. boots, #8. secret life of the american teenager, #9. porridge and jam, #10. revision, #11. c25k, #12. blogging, #13. breakfast, #14. me, #15. my feet are battered from running, #16. nice little treat, #17. just keep running.

fitness friday: hydration and water are key.

picture courtesy of weheartit

"Drink eight glasses of water a day" is a saying that we are all knowable of, but are there any benefits regarding weight loss and fitness. Water hydrates the body and helps it work more efficiently showcasing how it is an essential drink in every day life. Not only this but it also boosts the bodies metabolic rate, which gives us energy and helps to burn calories, highlighting how it is also a great tool for those who are 'dieting'.

There are numerous benefits of water, a well-hydrated body helps muscles and organs work quickly and efficiently. When the body is working well, it's metabolic rate will raise and give your more of an energetic feel whilst raising the metabolism and in turn burning calories up to 3% faster. This is key to losing weight - in order to get your body to work the way you want, it is important to give your body what it needs.

Whilst many say they detest water and it's taste (or lack of), there are food products that contain the substance too. Therefore if you want to incorporate more water in your diet it is essential to scour through the products that contain high amounts of added sugar and fats, and incorporate high water content foods (fruits and vegetables) into your daily diet to feel the benefit too. Melons, cucumber and tomatoes are good examples of this. Whilst these do not replace the benefits of drinking water directly they help provide hydration along with other vitamins and minerals needed for the body.

Since feeling thirsty and hungry often go hand-in-hand, if you are feeling thirsty you might accidentally mistake this for "hunger pains" and start searching for the nibbles rather than diving for a glass of water. It is important to listen to your body and what it needs. By keeping a glass of water close at hand you are less likely to gain those extra pounds. Also by drinking water you can begin to  recognise the difference between the two grumbling pains and possibly help eradicate gaining unnecessary pounds when you aren't hungry.

Regarding dieting it is more important to drink a lot of water throughout the day whilst starting a healthy eating kick. No only will it energise your body for exercise, it will kick start your metabolism and keep it going throughout the day - burning those calories, curbing those "hunger pains" and helping muscles recover after exercising and training has taken place.

It is safe to say that water is awesome! The benefits go from the very vain led making the skin better and reducing the look of cellulite, to the very health conscious boosting of energy levels and increasing your metabolism. It is one of those vital substances our body needs. It is a great dietary tool and one that can easily be incorporated into our every day life - and for free! What more could you ask for?!

Tips for those who think drinking water is unthinkable:
- Incorporate water into your diet through fruits and vegetables.
- Add a dash of sugar free squash to give taste.

nothing at all.

hoodie: topshop
jeans: dorothy perkins

Recently I've been going through the motions and wondering what I want out of life. Woah, hold the phone, deep way to start an outfit post right? Yeah, sorry about that. Then again I guess it's better to be open than put a smile on everything. Anyway, it will make sense as we get further into the post....

What I'm trying to say is that I feel like my "going through the motions" is weaving it's way into everything. My sporadic posting, my lack of motivation (either trying to get experience, permanant job etc...) and fashion. I'm stuck in a rut of jeans, t-shirts, hoodies. A lot of it has to do with my fitness kick, my lack of wanting to do my hair or makeup because first thing in the morning I'm throwing on trainers and going for a 30 minute run. Plus, I don't really have anything to get "dressed up" for. Call me lazy, call me whatever, but it's the truth. I'm sure a lot of you reading this post can relate to me too (hopefully anyway, otherwise I look like an idiot!).

Hopefully this post gives me the kick up the backside that I need in turning my blog back into what I started it out as. A fashion journal of some sort, where I can reflect on my clothes etc... Time will tell, I guess.

Scandalous Shampoo and Conditioner Review.

This range is something I had been meaning to try for a while but never got round to it. However when this caught my eye in my local Superdrug I just knew that I should grab it whilst I thought about it and add my views on the product to the no doubt abundance of opinions already out there in the beauty blogasphere.

Firstly I reached for the Insatiable Shine shampoo - no particular reason other than this was the only one that I could find at the time. I wouldn't say that my hair lacks shine. I like to say I pride myself on a considerably healthy lifestyle/diet and try to get as much nutrients into my system as I can to allow "attributes" (if you so will) to shine naturally. However upon this product I have to say that I have noticed a little bit of difference to the way my hair looks - nothing major, but then again I wasn't expecting a miracle either! The texture of the product like most shampoos is considerably runny. One thing that defintely draws me to this product is the scent. It's light, fresh and reminds me of a natural, garden smell - therefore appealling for summer. (Not that we have one at the moment in England! I suppose this product could help you dream though!)

Secondly I am going to talk about the conditioner which is part of the 'Big and Beautiful' range. What this range aims to do is exactly what it days; easy root uplift and bigger hair, and I have whilst my hair isn't the thinnest there has definitely been a difference in the volume created to my hair from the use of this product. Although upon dispense the conditioner is thick and creamy when applied to the hair its smoothing ability through the locks isn't the best. However, the end results achieved with this product (like I said) allow this small negative to slide. My roots are uplifted and there is nice bounce to my hair.

Overall I would definitely recommend both these products, whilst they aren't groundbreaking they achieve what they claim relatively well (and lets be honest products don't always achieve what we think they will in our heads... It's just never the same is it?!) and that's good enough for me!

All products retail at £3.49 in Superdrug at the time of this review.

week in pics #19 & #20.

#1. Nude Beige, #2. J2O,  #3. Really would be lost without Elizabeth Arden 8-hour cream. Review soon!  #4. Ouch!,  #5. Payback Season wasn't a bad film, #6. Extra studies for driving, #7. Little bit of patriotism, #8. Yummy!! #9. Love this programme!  #10. Healthy eating <3  #11. OBSESSED with the Dallas remake, #12.Another Coldplay shot!  #13. Blogging!  #14. Getting behind the England team before they got knocked out of the Euros,  #15. Grace Green - Models Own.

fitness friday: what to expect?

image courtesy of weheartit
This is probably going to be one of the most honest segments slotted into wowitslizz. I've been wanting to write about fitness and weight loss since I embarked on "my journey". Let me just say I hate that phrase and the fact that I used it makes me shuddered slightly but then again that's exactly what it is... A journey. A journey in which lifestyles change, new habits are learnt, old habits are lost; hopefully with a couple of pounds along the way! However it isn't something that I am always comfortable in "putting out" there if you will. I think weight etc is very personal and the way in which society almost expects people to look a certain way can, at times, make me feel very uncomfortable. Yet, I'm going to try my hardest to forget about those thoughts and focus on why I want to incorporate this segment into my blog. In time, hopefully I'll be able to share this and give little snippets along the way. Maybe when I reach my target dress size, or weight. We shall see.

Anyway, the reason for this post is to sort of explain what "fitness friday" is about and what sort of items can be expected within it.  Every Friday, I'm going to try and touch upon something different within the whole market that is "fitness". Whether this be telling you about my weekly food diets, my exercise regieme, or just some general ideas of how to change your lifestyle slowly I'm not too sure. As the market is so vast, I'm going to be writing about a broad spectrum of things in order to cover as much as I can; however I am only human and no doubt will miss the odd thing or two. I'll also try my hardest to incorporate fashion into this segment considering this is what my blog was started for - but let's face it, it's not rocket science how these two relate - as those pounds go you're clothes are going to look tons better in fit/how they sit on your body.

I also want to say that I'm not trying to preach anything here, I'm just writing about stuff that I'm interested in here and now. Whether this segment lasts, I'm not sure. I'd like to think it will and that it will give me the drive to keep getting fitter and healthier but who knows, only time will tell. Until then, be healthy and happy.

Topshop Lipstick in Desert.

Buy the Topshop Makeup Range Here
As you may know by now I am a girl who loves my neutrals. I rarely reach for makeup other than my main staple of mascara and when I do I like to keep it pretty simple. Recently when I was sorting through my makeup I came across this lipstick and reminded myself as to why I loved it/purchased it to begin with.

Since Topshop makeup came out I have had nothing but good experiences with their items, especially there lipsticks. Therefore I thought I would share my views on my favourite one out of the collection I own.

Desert is a nude colour that sits against skin tones and doesn't wash you out. I have to say the undertones of this lipstick make it quite warm meaning that you aren't left with those god awful foundation looking lips. Application is quite easy, however the texture of the product (on my lips anyway) is not as moisturising as I'm used to (nothing that a bit of Vaseline/Carmex can't sort out) but this could have a lot to do with the matte finish of the lipstick itself. During the time of this lipsticks release the matte look was quite fashionable as showcased in array of things such as nail varnishses and can be considered quite a classic look. Lasting time is quite long for a "lower end" makeup product, however I would keep the product with you for a quick touch up throughout the day (as well as any available lip conditioner you have!).

Pigment wise I find the product is reasonable but it does take some time to cover my considerably pink lips (I would recommend maybe blotting over your lips with concealer, foundation or a nude lip pencil to eradicate any chance of actual lip colour seeping through).

The only qualm I have with the product itself is the packaging. Whilst it is sleek and basic looking I can't help but think that the products would look so much better in a black packaging (the white can get awfully dirty).

Overall I would recommend Topshop makeup for anyone who is on a budget (or isn't) but doesn't want to worry about pigment, quality of the item and the whole "you get what you pay for" etc...