What camera do you use?
At the moment I use my MacBook Pro/Sony camera. Nothing special. Hopefully I will soon be getting a HD Nikon.

Who makes your headers? What software do you use?
I make all of my graphics, usually using Adope Photoshop CS4/CS5.

How tall are you?
I am 5"8.

What do you study at University? What did you do at school?
I have just finished my first year as a BA (Hons) Media and Communications student. I studied A-Level Media, History and Performing Arts.

How are your clothes organised?
They really aren't that organised I guess. I have two wardrobes. One that consists of my everyday wear and the other which consists of clothes that I don't wear so much.

What languages do you speak/know?
English and a little French.

What foundation do you use?
When I say nothing I really mean nothing! I take pride in my skin. If I wear anything it is Collection 2000 Concealer in Fair/Light (I mix) and occasionally I wear Maxfactor Xperience Weightless Foundation in Light Ivory 40.

How did you get into blogging?
I randomly started blogging about my travels and tour shows that I was going to back in 2008. Then as my love for blogging grew I decided I wanted to do a sort of diary type thing that involved my other passion, which of course is fashion. Hence the blog I have now.