Hello 2013....
It's been a long time since I wrote a blog post (so sorry about that, but third year is KILLING me!) but I thought that considering 2013 is now upon us I should at least take a look through my goals of 2012 and see what I achieved! I hope that this year I will also have a couple more things that I want to do to make the best out of 2013 - I'm considering doing a 22 things before I turn 21 kinda list…. Anyway, without further ado, here goes nothing!
#1. Start saving for next year
It's nice to say that I achieved this goal in 2012. Saving isn't always something that comes easy to a student but I decided this year that I didn't need to buy unnecessary things, and by that I mean, buying the whole of Topshop! I can genuinely say that I feel so much better knowing I have a little bit of money tucked away. It might not be much, but it's a start! I definitely want to build on this goal and keep it going into 2013, because you never know what's around the corner!
#2. Eat healthily and remain active
This was a big thing for me this year, and again it's nice to say that I did this. However, I have to say towards the end of the year, I slacked off on the remaining active part. With uni starting up in September I have found it hard to fit in exercise. To be honest it's horrible, I feel guilty for not doing as much as I have been previously but sometimes life does get in the way. I did however lose over a stone in weight this year, I think even two stone (unfortunately like most I did gain a couple pesky pounds over the Christmas period). I am still proud of myself! I am (near enough) two dress sizes smaller than I was when I started this blog and everything feels a little bit better. Of course, like the first goal, this is something that is going to be carried on into 2013. I have another 20+ pounds that I would like to see the back of and it's going to happen this year!
#3. Pass my second year of uni
Passing uni was another important goal of mine this year and I did it!!! I really enjoyed my second year of uni, everything I studied suited me down to the ground and it's nice to know that with a little bit of confidence in yourself you can achieve anything. I just need to find this again for my final year (unfortunately it's lacking a little because I, like most people possibly, put an awful lot of pressure on myself).
#4. Learn how to drive (in progress; started 01/07/2012)
Learning how to drive was one of those tasks that I kept putting off, but I'm not getting younger and I would like to be able to drive by the time I graduate from uni this year considering I'm going to be stepping out into the real world for the first time, properly, if you will. As a step in my life starting my driving lessons started out horribly, and when I say horribly, I mean exactly that! I really did not like my first driving instructor. I found him to be pressurising rather than guiding me, and challenging me but knowing when to step back. It got so bad that I cried after one of my driving lessons because I felt like such a failure! It's nice to say now that I absolutely love my current driving instructor. He really is the best! He has instilled so much confidence into me, and whilst I still get a bit nervous, I actually look forward to my lessons now, rather than dreading them. Here's to passing in 2013!
#5. Visit Paris/another city
I had my heart set on Paris this year, but it never happened. I'm kinda disappointed by that, considering I turned 21 this year! However, I did still got to leave this country that I call home and head overseas to Gran Caneria. Puerto Rico to be exact. I had a lovely time with my best friend and came back with a little bit more colour, which is always nice, so I can't complain!
#6. Read up to five books
Finding time to read with the amount of technology in our lives is always hard, but I made sure I read at least five books this year. And I mean proper books. My list included: The Faithless, Double Dare, Bah Humbug!, Fifty Shades Of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, Ffity Shades Freed, Can You Keep a Secret?
#7. See up to ten movies
Movies is a great pastime! There have been so many great releases this year and to be honest I surpassed my goal and then some…. Here are some of the films I watched this year: New Years Eve, The Iron Lady, Sherlock Holmes 2, Warhorse, I Love You Man, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, The Vow, My Week With Marilyn, Safe House, J.Edgar, The Lucky One, American Reunion, 21 Jump Street. Dark Knight Rises.
#8. Go to five concerts/events
Like the others above this goal, I achieved this too! My list included watching my Brother's band, Second Side Made. Seeing Westlife, three times, on their Farewell Tour. Also, last but by no means least, seeing Coldplay. I have say Coldplay, of course, was just- indescribable. Definitely one of my highlights this year! Another thing that I went to see was WWE Raw Live - this is something that I have always wanted to do since I was young - about 7 years old! It was definitely a great night, even more special because I shared it with my brother - the person who inintroduced be to wrestling to begin with!
#9. Fine a placement
I was lucky enough to spend time at BBC Birmingham this summer! As someone who wants to work in the media, this was incredible experience. Meeting lots of lovely people, going out and working on stories, collecting stories. It definitely made me realise that this was what I wanted to do for a living. Whilst the hours were long and I was in bed by 9pm most nights because I was so tired, I still got up at 6am the next day with ease because I couldn't wait to see what the next day would bring. Definitely something that I would do all over again, in a heartbeat.
#10. Visit another city in the UK
I visited four cities this year, these consisted of: Sheffield, Nottingham, London and Liverpool. Liverpool was probably my favourite because not only was it my birthday but also the first time I have ever visited there! Great city, really lovely people and amazing night life! Albert Docks is beautiful at night when lit up, amazing restaurants too!
#11. Sight see in London
Pretty self-explanatory and completed! To say that I have been to London many times (over double figures) and I have never been sight-seeing is kinda terrible, but until 2012 it was the truth! Now I can say I've done it! I have to say Tower Bridge lit up at night was one of the most incredible things, just so peaceful and so breathtaking, even in such a busy city.
#12. Step out of my comfort zone
This was an important one for me. As a 20/21 year old when this list was complied together I knew that I had to do something that would shock me. I can safely say I did a number of things this year that I believed made me step out of my comfort zone and I felt and feel so much better for it. It made me realise that whilst I doubt myself, I can do things, anything. I just need to believe in myself. Everyone second guesses, it's a part of life, but time and life aren't going to wait around for you, you need to just grab things and run!