im blogging again,

wow its been a while, seriously. I haven't really had anything to write about that much and stuff has been taking over, and people have been getting on my nerves, but i have the most amazing friends around me who know, and just tell me to ignore stuff. talking to them and spending time with them is just easily killer! lol. BLG and Metro Station was amazing, we were pretty darn close, JOE BROOKS - AWESOME. We want to go see Jason Mraz which should be sickkkkkk. Me You At Six too...but IDK.

Im bored right now at home, and decided I wanted to chill and talk about lifee. I hope everyone is having an awesome one. I've had an obsession with finding new bands recently and listening to everything. Its been making me go back to my music and guitar too, which is pretty awesome. Im really really loving Band Of Horses at the moment - i liked them before too, but they have really caught me at this moment.

School Boy Humour are pretty sick too :P lol and of course my gentlemen, Honor Society. We have been teaching everyone the Honor Roll at college - they must think we are crazy lol.

UKJBFAN.COM has been working pretty well, still under construction thanks to college, but we're getting there. I really want to get a new Vlog up soon, those boys need to get their butts back here soon, I freaking miss them!!!

Im seriously going to try and see Miley soon, and T Swift.....those are my goals....but no one will replace those boys...don't forget lol! :)

Soooo this was kinda boring, but I hope everyone is absolutely fabulous
lizzle, xoxo