I am going to be honest with everyone out there, when I first heard that Diana Vickers had been given a record deal I immediately wanted to become deaf. I wasn't a fan of Diana in the X-Factor, to me she seemed over rated, the whole different vibe was just too different for me, and almost forced.
When I heard she was coming out with an album, I blew my lid completely. There are people out there who are trying to break into the music industry every single day of their lives and they have incredible song writing skills and are mind blowing musicians, and some stupid record company had offered this girl, who hadn't long joined college a record deal because she was "different".
Then I decided to give her a try. I downloaded her album off iTunes and listened and I will be the first to say, I'm eating my words. Not that I liked every single track, but some of them are pretty great. By far my favourite is Four Leaf Clover.
We have a great opener with Once, which has this technological feel to is, with a great melody however I consider is vert annoying with the repetition of the same word for most of the chorus. This is followed by Remake Me & You, in which I find the same technological feel, and the only line I really like is "Take all these hearts and remake me and you".
I feel the album really kicks into better music when we reach track three: The Boy Who Murdered Love. I enjoy the drum beat underneath the verses, and how the song kicks in once you get to chorus. My favourite part of the album is the contrast of the next song and how we are given a slower song. Four Leaf Clover I believe is the most beautiful song upon this album, the lyrics seems to flow amazingly over the mellow melody - and the story in which you can follow upon the lyrics. Diana's voice compliments this music more so than the other three previous tracks, it's outstanding.
Put It Back Together didn't really have an impact upon me and I usually skip this track, to be welcome with an Owl City reject track You'll Never Get To Heaven - although upon saying this I enjoy this track very much for this reason, considering I find Owl City tracks very relaxing however something that can be played in a club, which we see in the chorus of Diana's track when the music kicks. Great use of drums once again synths.
Me & You pulls me in like Four Leaf Clover due to the mellow, acoustic-ness of the track, and I get reminded of a Norah Jones. However after this track I am greeted with My Hip which I find annoying, and once again skip. This seems to be the repetition of this album, tracks that I like tended to be followed by ones I despise, because NUMB is amazing.
I feel like Hit is something that should have been on Ke$ha's album but got pulled at the end and given to Diana, but surprisingly I like it - even thought I find Diana's breathy tone doesn't suit the techno-beat which is behind it. Notice, is also a delicate song, which I could find myself listening to on repeat. The lyrics I can find myself relating to tremendously, as with Four Leaf Clover, which is why I find this song to be on the higher side of the play count compared to the others. The verses melt into the chorus' which have just the right amount of bang in them to allow you stay awake, without finding yourself sinking into the melody.
Jumping Rivers was the first track I heard, when it was leaked on You Tube a while back, and I must say it was the track that made me completely wary of getting this album. I found the track annoying and Diana's voice even worse. I still don't like the "oh-oh's" at the beginning, however I love the simple track behind the simple lyrics, which create a beautiful image in my head when listening to them. I feel this song will be an amazing summer anthem, for a summer love and quick sweep-you-off-your-feet romance.
Finally Chasing You reminds me of a Girl's Aloud song at the very beginning and whilst not being one of my favourites on the album, it's one I don't turn off.
Overall I find Diana Vicker's album as something I wouldn't expect, which I expected from her considering she has this whole "different" label to live up to. Whilst a good album, I find myself not wanting to recommend it considering I like less than half of the tracks up on it. However good on her for not reeling out the same boring stuff, that many X-Factor contestants can do, and for putting what does seem to be like love and thought into some of the songs. I give it 6/10.