Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus, whatever you want to call her there is not denying that this girl has some serious talent. Can't Be Tamed is an album which I wasn't expecting from Miley, her previous tracks seeming very school girly - with a huge Hannah Montana emphasis still very much present within her lyrics.
However upon listening to the album I found myself pleasantly surprised. I found myself wanting to listen to the tracks which did hold some beautiful lyrics, but the upbeat tracks that are presence made me want to dance more than anything. Each song upon the album is strong and could easily be a single on its own. I would just like to point out that upon praising this album there is some sort of desperation in which she portrays the need to move away from Hannah Montana. Whilst the lyrics hold meaning, the music which they are placed against has nothing in comparison - almost being rushed.
"Liberty Walk", opens the album with a Ke$ha feel, which is something that I don't want. I want Miley to be original and not record something that she thinks may sell, or should I say Hollywood Records thinks will sell. The track tends to repeat a lot of the same lyrics sending out the message of taking control. "Who Owns My Heart" opens like something I would hear on a Lady Gaga album, with lyrics of "Who owns my heart, is it love or is it art?" and again I feel disappointed in some way because I don't like how so far she's copied two of 2009/10's strongest artists. Whilst "Can't Be Tamed" is strong with its repetition of lyrics I'm given a clubby track which by the time to I get to third track I'm expecting. A couple of other tracks follow the same route, until we get to the ballads which do provoke some sort of reaction however I don't feel anything other than repeated themes from previous Miley songs - "Stay" being the only difference in the essence that you are almost given an image alongside the music.
I have to say that my two favourite tracks on this album are "Scars" and "Robot". "Scars" I feel is a gritty song, but with truth within the lyrics. The two polar opposites are what make the song so good. Whilst "Robot" is a good overall tune, which could get any girl dancing around her bedroom or onto that dance floor.
Overall Miley's album was something that I wasn't expecting, but on the other hand I was. Her album is strong but only down to key songs like "Stay", "Scars" and "Robot". I believe that had this album been released with each song being strong, without essences of copying, she could have took down anything and anyone.
I would give this album 7/10.