This week's review is Barry M's 304 Mint Green nail varnish.
All my reviews of late seem to be nail varnishes but this is because right now I love them! Summer allows you to experiment with different colours where as autumn and winter, nails usually consists of black, and deep rouge (well for me anyway!).
Like with any other product I'm gonna start off with the price. Once again I don't know the actual price but it was definitely less than the nail varnish I bought from Rimmel last review. The price was no more than £3, which I believe to be very good especially for Barry M nail varnishes.
I am in love with this colour nail varnish, and I would definitely recommend that everyone goes out there and gets it because I believe this colour will be a staple for summer. It looks good against pale skin and tan skin which is always a plus too, haha!
As for the actual product itself, two coats applied and you get the real colour which isn't too bright, just enough. Chipping wise it last long, but before and after applying I put a base coat on my nails to avoid colour staying on my nail.
Overall I would definitely by the product again and am already thinking of doing so even though I haven't used the first bottle I bought! I love the colour and usually I'm one to stay away from bright colours but I will most certainly be going back to Barry M again for more amazing summer colours.
I give it 8/10.