Question and Answer

Below are a few random questions that I've gotten asked on my formspring. Some of them have been slightly adapted into actual questions as some were just words haha! Enjoy!

1) How do you curl your hair?
I just use my hair straightener. Take no more than an inch/inch-1/2 and just twist in the straightener. There's no real science or magic to it. The slower you pull your hair through the straightener the tighter the curl you get.

2) What's one item of clothing you couldn't live without?
Ever? Probably leggings because you can wear them in so many ways, like with a skirt, dress or on their own. I live in them considering I'm not a big fan of jeans - even though I love jeggings haha!

3) What's your favourite item of makeup?
Mascara as it's the only actual makeup I wear!

4) Favourite accessory?
I adore shoes but nothing beats a huge handbag that you can throw everything into and sling over your shoulder.

5) Why did you start this blog?
I started this blog because my love for fashion, music, makeup and just generally speaking my mind grew. I think having an opinion on things is great and it's what makes people different. :)

6) Favourite fashion trend for Autumn/Winter?
Military. I love how it embraces the colours of autumn. Khakis, browns, golds. It gives structure towards fashion as well as allowing people make outfits casual and smarter with the right item of clothing from the trend.

7) Do you have any spot remedies? Your skin always looks great on photos you post!
Sudocream and Tea Tree Oil! And thank you!! :)

8) What staple items do you think every girl should have in their wardrobe?
A coat, because it can make any outfit or a LBD because they never go out of fashion and can always be revamped and bought bang on trend with newly bought accessories and colours within that particular season.

Happy Sunday Blogging!
