Rimmel Scandal Eyes Mascara Review

Product available at Boots and Superdrug 

Before I start writing I just want to make it known that I am quite the mascara hoarder. I am always on the look out for a better mascara and constantly find myself being let down or wanting to buy more and more until I find my perfect product. Unfortunately I have to say that this product fits into the first category.

I had high hopes for Scandal Eyes. I surprisingly loved the packaging and brush, I'd heard great things about it but just wasn't impressed. Firstly, I found that whilst the brush was pretty great the watery consistency of the product didn't let it reach it's full potential. Once this mascara has dried out a little I'm sure my impressions of it would have been more positive but together the forumla and brush, for me, just did not work well. For some reason my lashes just would not lift with application and often began to stick together into clumps, rather than look naturally thicker and more voluminous. Also, the product often took a long time to dry which meant that 9 times out of 10 it transferred onto my upper eyelids.

I don't like giving negative reviews and rarely ever do so but I just don't see the hype of this product at all (of course this may be different for you). The best thing about this product has to be the brush. Maybe I'll feel differently if I go back to this product in one months time and the formula has dried out a little, who knows, but as of now it's a huge thumbs down from me - unfortunately!

*I go on holiday tomorrow and won't be back to posting until after 16th of September! Apologies for this - hope some of you stick around!*