Ok so most of you probably won't understand this, or if you do...I don't know...Im going to try and write it so people don't associate it with certain people.
When certain people have more ample opportunity than others why do the other people have to get jealous, or completely blank you altogether.
I don't want people to think I am mean, cause Im not...but if you don't give me a try out...talk to me, try and get to know me then how will you exactly know.
I like to meet new people, and half of my latest additions to my friends have been amazing ones...Im not going to "forget" anyone, thats for certain just cause certain opportunites may be easier to get into my grasp than yours.
I don't want people to spread malicious rumours or give me grief....Im not interested in teeny-bopper drama. Im old enough and wise enough to know when to hold my hands up and walk away cause life is just TOO DAMN SHORT!
I'll talk to anyone out there....anyone. I like to have people in my life who I know are going to change it for the better. The thing is saying that it still affects me, Im scared to get a truth box on myspace because I don't want to know what people would write or what they truly feel...now thats plain silly but its true.
I shouldn't let it affect me cause I know that the people who are close to me know how I actually am as a person, however far away they are...even people who don't know me that well can tell certain anger is going to begin...certain immature people want to make me and someone else unhappy, even when we're in arms distance my eyes say it all, and that someone saw that a few nights ago...
What Im trying to say is get to know me before you make assumptions cause I don't mean to sound selfish or anything but I have more important stuff happening right now in my life that I need to make my main priorty....so yeah.
xoxo Lizz
I officially realised school is over... ):
I had my last year photo, with everyone in my whole year group...seeing everyone and knowing everyone within my year was crazy, like a whole 300 people...and by looking at each and everyone of them I knew them by name. Even the ones who aren't even my friends; thats how long everyone has been with each other.
Its a wierd moment, cause right now I don't know whether to celebrate, or to cry
Im going to miss a lot of people, even people who I don't talk to a lot
Personally some of them I can't wait to get away from, but all of my friends, I love a LOT. Its pretty crappy to think that I may not keep in contact with everyone...
I noticed a lot this year, and that is how mature everyone is. Everyone talks to everyone in Senior year and well, "groups" don't really seem to matter in the final school year and its brings a smile to my face so bad :D
Also, I found out today that I am consider pretty tall for a girl as I was the 3rd line from the top of the whole benches thing...the taller you are the higher up the bench you are...so for a girl thats considered pretty tall...(ok that was irrelevant and I really didn't need to involve that within this blog, but its awesome and Im proud to be THAT tall!)
I had my last year photo, with everyone in my whole year group...seeing everyone and knowing everyone within my year was crazy, like a whole 300 people...and by looking at each and everyone of them I knew them by name. Even the ones who aren't even my friends; thats how long everyone has been with each other.
Its a wierd moment, cause right now I don't know whether to celebrate, or to cry
Im going to miss a lot of people, even people who I don't talk to a lot
Personally some of them I can't wait to get away from, but all of my friends, I love a LOT. Its pretty crappy to think that I may not keep in contact with everyone...
I noticed a lot this year, and that is how mature everyone is. Everyone talks to everyone in Senior year and well, "groups" don't really seem to matter in the final school year and its brings a smile to my face so bad :D
Also, I found out today that I am consider pretty tall for a girl as I was the 3rd line from the top of the whole benches thing...the taller you are the higher up the bench you are...so for a girl thats considered pretty tall...(ok that was irrelevant and I really didn't need to involve that within this blog, but its awesome and Im proud to be THAT tall!)

This stuff seriously isn't good....its GRREEAAAT haha! ok I took that from the Frosties commercial, but its true. Cereal has become my new green tea if you want to say that. I mean don't get me wrong I love green tea...but now cereal's right there ;P
I don't know, before I never used to love it, it was something I would have for breakfast, but now, I sorta crave it. Its stupid really, the golden grain haunts me....muahhhaaahhhaahh
It crazy...but pretty sweet too. I now need to find a cereal's anonymous or something, I already know TWO people who would join straight away...there's gotta be more out there
love lizz
Ok so excuse this for being slightly boring at the beginning haha! But i want to get everything out about the day so i can look back at this and remember everything that happened. I may end up adding more detail to it as the weeks go along cause i'll remember certain details randomly, popping into my head :)
The Jonas Mania started at 7pm the previous night when Erica and I designed the poster. We knew EXACTLY what we were going to do because we wanted it to catch their eye. So we created this florescent poster, which held out names and also a message to Joe, just "hey!" haha!
Anyways so once we did that, we spoke to a couple of people who were going to the concert that night and then we went offline and just chilled, talking about how excited we were to see the people we have wanted to see perform for such a long time now! Near enough 3 years...
So onto the day itself...AKA the interesting part!
We got our train at like 9am, it took use around 1 ½ hours to get to London. On the way there we got butterflies so bad! It was hilarious....talking about what may happen etc...Once our train arrivals we walked to our hotel and checked in. The room, was ok, but we didn't care one bit because we weren't going to be staying there until after the concert....
So the next thing was getting to venue...it was crazy...we got lost...ok cue laughter...we completely missed the street we had to go to, so wasted around 10 minutes of our time. But we got there at around 2pm, people had been queuing since 7:30am that morning.
It was funny really cause when we walked up to the line people started saying "Thats Lizz and Erica" it was weird. We saw a few people we knew, which was nice, and everyone was so welcoming, completely friendly with each other. I just have to say that Jonas fans are the most amazing fans out there for any artist. Everyone gets along and take time out to get to know each other!
So we met this guy called Danny who had travelled down from WALES!! It was wierd cause Erica and I started talking to him, and then all of a sudden we talk to my mom and he starts tapping Erica on the leg. She looks down at him and then he whispers "I know you" and we were like "WHAT!" and he's like "You're Lizz and Erica, i watch you're V-Logs and visit your site"
That was such an amazing feeling to know that he knew us and watched our V-Logs cause we love to do them, and keep everyone up-to-date about the boys....to see the reaction that they had and know that we helped them slightly to get that, gave us such a warm feeling inside because they seemed really happy!
Danny was extremely funny! He loved Joe, and was going crazy over him...he had around 10 Jonas Magazines with him which completely helped occupy the time! We also met so many people (sorry if i forget anyone I know im going to!) Ok so first there was Sarah (from Liverpool), Kiki, Faye, Jane, there were two girls who were took a picture with sorry i forgot your names, a girl from IMDB Jonas Brothers Board (WOO!) also another three girls, who saw McFly before and talked to me about them! ----> One of them was wearing Purple Skinny Jeans and the other had i <3>
So i tried to talk to everyone cause as i said before Jonas fans are awesome! Then this guy comes around who works for Disney and asks our parents to fill out forms so we can get filmed for the Disney Channel. My mom filled ours out in a flash it was amazing. We got interviewed and they asked us questions...and also what our favourite song was...which is Inseparable and then the guy asked Erica and myself to sing it. He was like "Do you know the lyrics!" DUH haha, we sang the first verse and chorus, but could have continued but the guy was like "Thats enough. Thank you!" i also told him that i was going to the burning up tour in the summer, and also how Erica and myself run the fansite, and he told us to say it to the camera...which we did! He was amazed by us, which made me feel proud! Hopefully we'll get shown on Disney Channel, it should be awesome. The guy apparently showed the video to Kevin, Joe and Nick...of all the fans, so if they saw us that would be awesome. After that were entered a competition from a guy who worked with Polydor Records, which is the boys UK record Label...and he was amazed that we did the UK site for them...so many people were shocked and also surprised, but he took our names and told us that he would be telling them (JB) that!
After that we were told where the boy would be arriving and leaving teh bullding at the end of the show...and that they would be arriving at 5pm...at this time it was around 4pm...so everyone waited. We saw the security begin to place railing and everyone ran to it...and when i say ran, i mean ran! I dragged Erica to get to the railing..we could see so clearly.Disney began filming again and they told us to shout "Welcome to London Jonas Brothers!" Everyone of course did it, and it sounded so awesome. We sang "SOS" and "Hold On" while we waited for them to arrive...it was so cool. Everyone knew the words and was singing along.
Then we saw this car pull up and out jump Jack and Garbo...I shouted "JACK!" and he looked right around at us...and smiled before walking into the building. And then garbo got out...im not kidding that guy is one of the most amazing looking bassists out there! Together Erica and I shouted "Garbo" and he seemed so shocked that we knew him...we were the ONLY people who shouted his name it was hilarious cause some of the other fans around us were like "Who are Jack and Garbo?" How could they NOT know that! Haha! Once they went inside, we had to wait around 15 minutes before JB came.
It was amazing cause everyone was chanting "JONAS!" etc the aura created was unbelievable...and once their silver car pulled up people knew it was them. We were like "i see curly hair!" and you could, it was awesome. You could see Kevin and Nick's hair. Then Big Rob got out the car, and everyone screamed.
Kevin got out first, when people call him ugly they are wrong, he is the most craziest good looking people ever....he smiled so much when he stepped out the car and waved to us, then Nick got out, him being his smooth self he blew a kiss, sending half of the girls crazy, as most of them liked him. Then Joe got out last he was wearing a blue trench coat, unlike Kevin and Nick's beige ones, he stood there for a while actually. His hands in his coat pockets and finally he waved before walking into the building. So that was our first taste of Jonas for the 10th!
After that, we saw Denise enter the building, she is craziuly pretty too and Kevin looks so much like her its uncanny...along the wait i saw Ryan Leistman and JT...YAY the lengend that is JT and the Newby that is Ryan – both awesome. Ryans dreds are the best things ever!
So much media was there, press etc...news reporters, paper reporters...our picture was taken so many times showing our poster...haha, that being a good thing of course!
Garbo and Jack completely grabbed McDonalds, along the way Erica and I shouted "GARBO!" and he looked at us, and smiled even bigger cause he recognised us from earlier. About this time we were being allowed to enter the bulding, Erica and I completely pushed to the front, leaving my mom behind...i don't feel awful about this, she wanted to me to enjoy myself..
When we entered the place we got in between second and first row...it was awesome. Everything was set up, including Nicks Gibson SG and Kevin's Les Paul! Haha! Yeah i am such a geek in that i spotted their guitars....Pushing was crazy, so many people pushed before they came out, but it calmed down after a while.
Then music started playing getting us hyped...WE WILL ROCK YOU...ended the closing songs and then the band came on. It was amazing to see everyone on stage....argh, i don't think i can describe it. Everyone was clapping, and then you hear the beginning of "Thats Just the way we roll!" and its like OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Nick came one first, then Joe, then Kevin...they looked so real...ive been waiting such a long time to see them and to be there was just the best feeling in the whole wide world.
To see how far they have come from "Mandy", "Poor Unortunate Souls", "Year 3000", and now its "SOS", "Hold On" and ""When You Look Me In The Eyes" both them and their music and grown, and for the better...and i saw first hand of this yesterday.
We were completely dead centre with Joe...it was awesome. He completely looked right as us around 20 times and we held a stare for so long. Haha Erica and I were the only ones who shouted "1,2" in SOS and it scared the heck out of Nick, cause he stopped at just "1..." haha, Joe looked at him and then back at us, we just laughed our asses off!
I got Kevin's Guitar Pick...its awesome haha, his signature and the sign...deffo used...cause everything is smudged half off, and its been plucked onto strings, cause some of it has been worn down. :D :D :D
My favourite parts of the night have to be the following:
1 – When Kevin sang "HAHAHAHAH!" in "Thats just the way we roll" and i shouted it too, and he liked double glanced at me and shook his head laughing at how i sang it with him.
2 – getting Kevin pick – nuff said!
3 – scaring the heck out of Nick by shouting "1, 2..." in SOS and him completely stopping because of it
4 – joe reading our sign, and completely signalling to us, and it was linked to only us! I think so much of him doing that, cause he didn't have to :D – the fact that we have it on video too, to prove that he actually did it makes that moment and memory even better. He smiled the biggest smile ever when he read the poster.
5 – Joe taking our sign and like placing it on top, like it was the most important. Haha just kidding, but he did place it on the top and it was still on the top when Big Rob carried them out later.
6 – Kevin's SOS dance in person is 10000000000000000 times better. Haha!
7 – the fact that they peformed NEW songs, as in "Don't Take My Heart And Put It On The Shelf" and "Burning up!" and everyone knowing every single lyric to them
8 – "I love to hear you singing the lyrics to the songs in your accents!"
9 – "We've tried some interesting food while here, some food, some interesting food. Something called Jellied Eels, NEVER again.""yeah Never again!" KEVIN ("We've tried a lot of new foods during our trip. But meat pie and jellied eels? Never again!")
10 – CHEST RUB, hmmm "YEAH ERICA U KNOW!" Joe jumping so close to the crowd
11 – the splits 3 times!!!
12 – Me completely actioning the "Left my heart in two!" and Joe looking at me, laughing.
13 – "everyone here sold out this concert...sold out. Thank you."
14 – "We want to slow things down a little big. I want to see all the cells phones and the glow sticks. What are cell phones? *laugh* Oh i see theres a lot of cameras."
15 – "I Hear its wonderful down here in London (LUNDIN)!"
16 - the next song we are going to sing is a song about love and its called *sings accapella* "WHEN YOU LOOK ME IN THE EYES!
After the concert ended we waited for them to come out and we saw Garbo again, and he looked directly at us, recognised Erica and myself again and smiled the biggest smile ever. Joe, Kevin and Nick came out, and we have some of the most amazing pics of them seriously...i don't know whether im going to post all of them, but we do have some of the best pictures ever. I saw FEEEEEEEEEEEE, everyone...Papa J, Mrs Jonas! All we needed was merch/street team girls and Frankie – the family would have been COMPLETE! Haha!
So yeah, thats the end...one of the best days of my whole life...something i will never forget. The fact that i attended their first UK concert, and got near enough First row with Erica! Now i can't wait for other Jonas Concerts that come my way...because i felt so proud to be there and see them...and i want to feel that feeling again...and again, and again haha!!!!
Thanks for readingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
The Jonas Mania started at 7pm the previous night when Erica and I designed the poster. We knew EXACTLY what we were going to do because we wanted it to catch their eye. So we created this florescent poster, which held out names and also a message to Joe, just "hey!" haha!
Anyways so once we did that, we spoke to a couple of people who were going to the concert that night and then we went offline and just chilled, talking about how excited we were to see the people we have wanted to see perform for such a long time now! Near enough 3 years...
So onto the day itself...AKA the interesting part!
We got our train at like 9am, it took use around 1 ½ hours to get to London. On the way there we got butterflies so bad! It was hilarious....talking about what may happen etc...Once our train arrivals we walked to our hotel and checked in. The room, was ok, but we didn't care one bit because we weren't going to be staying there until after the concert....
So the next thing was getting to venue...it was crazy...we got lost...ok cue laughter...we completely missed the street we had to go to, so wasted around 10 minutes of our time. But we got there at around 2pm, people had been queuing since 7:30am that morning.
It was funny really cause when we walked up to the line people started saying "Thats Lizz and Erica" it was weird. We saw a few people we knew, which was nice, and everyone was so welcoming, completely friendly with each other. I just have to say that Jonas fans are the most amazing fans out there for any artist. Everyone gets along and take time out to get to know each other!
So we met this guy called Danny who had travelled down from WALES!! It was wierd cause Erica and I started talking to him, and then all of a sudden we talk to my mom and he starts tapping Erica on the leg. She looks down at him and then he whispers "I know you" and we were like "WHAT!" and he's like "You're Lizz and Erica, i watch you're V-Logs and visit your site"
That was such an amazing feeling to know that he knew us and watched our V-Logs cause we love to do them, and keep everyone up-to-date about the boys....to see the reaction that they had and know that we helped them slightly to get that, gave us such a warm feeling inside because they seemed really happy!
Danny was extremely funny! He loved Joe, and was going crazy over him...he had around 10 Jonas Magazines with him which completely helped occupy the time! We also met so many people (sorry if i forget anyone I know im going to!) Ok so first there was Sarah (from Liverpool), Kiki, Faye, Jane, there were two girls who were took a picture with sorry i forgot your names, a girl from IMDB Jonas Brothers Board (WOO!) also another three girls, who saw McFly before and talked to me about them! ----> One of them was wearing Purple Skinny Jeans and the other had i <3>
So i tried to talk to everyone cause as i said before Jonas fans are awesome! Then this guy comes around who works for Disney and asks our parents to fill out forms so we can get filmed for the Disney Channel. My mom filled ours out in a flash it was amazing. We got interviewed and they asked us questions...and also what our favourite song was...which is Inseparable and then the guy asked Erica and myself to sing it. He was like "Do you know the lyrics!" DUH haha, we sang the first verse and chorus, but could have continued but the guy was like "Thats enough. Thank you!" i also told him that i was going to the burning up tour in the summer, and also how Erica and myself run the fansite, and he told us to say it to the camera...which we did! He was amazed by us, which made me feel proud! Hopefully we'll get shown on Disney Channel, it should be awesome. The guy apparently showed the video to Kevin, Joe and Nick...of all the fans, so if they saw us that would be awesome. After that were entered a competition from a guy who worked with Polydor Records, which is the boys UK record Label...and he was amazed that we did the UK site for them...so many people were shocked and also surprised, but he took our names and told us that he would be telling them (JB) that!
After that we were told where the boy would be arriving and leaving teh bullding at the end of the show...and that they would be arriving at 5pm...at this time it was around 4pm...so everyone waited. We saw the security begin to place railing and everyone ran to it...and when i say ran, i mean ran! I dragged Erica to get to the railing..we could see so clearly.Disney began filming again and they told us to shout "Welcome to London Jonas Brothers!" Everyone of course did it, and it sounded so awesome. We sang "SOS" and "Hold On" while we waited for them to arrive...it was so cool. Everyone knew the words and was singing along.
Then we saw this car pull up and out jump Jack and Garbo...I shouted "JACK!" and he looked right around at us...and smiled before walking into the building. And then garbo got out...im not kidding that guy is one of the most amazing looking bassists out there! Together Erica and I shouted "Garbo" and he seemed so shocked that we knew him...we were the ONLY people who shouted his name it was hilarious cause some of the other fans around us were like "Who are Jack and Garbo?" How could they NOT know that! Haha! Once they went inside, we had to wait around 15 minutes before JB came.
It was amazing cause everyone was chanting "JONAS!" etc the aura created was unbelievable...and once their silver car pulled up people knew it was them. We were like "i see curly hair!" and you could, it was awesome. You could see Kevin and Nick's hair. Then Big Rob got out the car, and everyone screamed.
Kevin got out first, when people call him ugly they are wrong, he is the most craziest good looking people ever....he smiled so much when he stepped out the car and waved to us, then Nick got out, him being his smooth self he blew a kiss, sending half of the girls crazy, as most of them liked him. Then Joe got out last he was wearing a blue trench coat, unlike Kevin and Nick's beige ones, he stood there for a while actually. His hands in his coat pockets and finally he waved before walking into the building. So that was our first taste of Jonas for the 10th!
After that, we saw Denise enter the building, she is craziuly pretty too and Kevin looks so much like her its uncanny...along the wait i saw Ryan Leistman and JT...YAY the lengend that is JT and the Newby that is Ryan – both awesome. Ryans dreds are the best things ever!
So much media was there, press etc...news reporters, paper reporters...our picture was taken so many times showing our poster...haha, that being a good thing of course!
Garbo and Jack completely grabbed McDonalds, along the way Erica and I shouted "GARBO!" and he looked at us, and smiled even bigger cause he recognised us from earlier. About this time we were being allowed to enter the bulding, Erica and I completely pushed to the front, leaving my mom behind...i don't feel awful about this, she wanted to me to enjoy myself..
When we entered the place we got in between second and first row...it was awesome. Everything was set up, including Nicks Gibson SG and Kevin's Les Paul! Haha! Yeah i am such a geek in that i spotted their guitars....Pushing was crazy, so many people pushed before they came out, but it calmed down after a while.
Then music started playing getting us hyped...WE WILL ROCK YOU...ended the closing songs and then the band came on. It was amazing to see everyone on stage....argh, i don't think i can describe it. Everyone was clapping, and then you hear the beginning of "Thats Just the way we roll!" and its like OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Nick came one first, then Joe, then Kevin...they looked so real...ive been waiting such a long time to see them and to be there was just the best feeling in the whole wide world.
To see how far they have come from "Mandy", "Poor Unortunate Souls", "Year 3000", and now its "SOS", "Hold On" and ""When You Look Me In The Eyes" both them and their music and grown, and for the better...and i saw first hand of this yesterday.
We were completely dead centre with Joe...it was awesome. He completely looked right as us around 20 times and we held a stare for so long. Haha Erica and I were the only ones who shouted "1,2" in SOS and it scared the heck out of Nick, cause he stopped at just "1..." haha, Joe looked at him and then back at us, we just laughed our asses off!
I got Kevin's Guitar Pick...its awesome haha, his signature and the sign...deffo used...cause everything is smudged half off, and its been plucked onto strings, cause some of it has been worn down. :D :D :D
My favourite parts of the night have to be the following:
1 – When Kevin sang "HAHAHAHAH!" in "Thats just the way we roll" and i shouted it too, and he liked double glanced at me and shook his head laughing at how i sang it with him.
2 – getting Kevin pick – nuff said!
3 – scaring the heck out of Nick by shouting "1, 2..." in SOS and him completely stopping because of it
4 – joe reading our sign, and completely signalling to us, and it was linked to only us! I think so much of him doing that, cause he didn't have to :D – the fact that we have it on video too, to prove that he actually did it makes that moment and memory even better. He smiled the biggest smile ever when he read the poster.
5 – Joe taking our sign and like placing it on top, like it was the most important. Haha just kidding, but he did place it on the top and it was still on the top when Big Rob carried them out later.
6 – Kevin's SOS dance in person is 10000000000000000 times better. Haha!
7 – the fact that they peformed NEW songs, as in "Don't Take My Heart And Put It On The Shelf" and "Burning up!" and everyone knowing every single lyric to them
8 – "I love to hear you singing the lyrics to the songs in your accents!"
9 – "We've tried some interesting food while here, some food, some interesting food. Something called Jellied Eels, NEVER again.""yeah Never again!" KEVIN ("We've tried a lot of new foods during our trip. But meat pie and jellied eels? Never again!")
10 – CHEST RUB, hmmm "YEAH ERICA U KNOW!" Joe jumping so close to the crowd
11 – the splits 3 times!!!
12 – Me completely actioning the "Left my heart in two!" and Joe looking at me, laughing.
13 – "everyone here sold out this concert...sold out. Thank you."
14 – "We want to slow things down a little big. I want to see all the cells phones and the glow sticks. What are cell phones? *laugh* Oh i see theres a lot of cameras."
15 – "I Hear its wonderful down here in London (LUNDIN)!"
16 - the next song we are going to sing is a song about love and its called *sings accapella* "WHEN YOU LOOK ME IN THE EYES!
After the concert ended we waited for them to come out and we saw Garbo again, and he looked directly at us, recognised Erica and myself again and smiled the biggest smile ever. Joe, Kevin and Nick came out, and we have some of the most amazing pics of them seriously...i don't know whether im going to post all of them, but we do have some of the best pictures ever. I saw FEEEEEEEEEEEE, everyone...Papa J, Mrs Jonas! All we needed was merch/street team girls and Frankie – the family would have been COMPLETE! Haha!
So yeah, thats the end...one of the best days of my whole life...something i will never forget. The fact that i attended their first UK concert, and got near enough First row with Erica! Now i can't wait for other Jonas Concerts that come my way...because i felt so proud to be there and see them...and i want to feel that feeling again...and again, and again haha!!!!
Thanks for readingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Hey everyone just blogging about my modelling-fashion-catwalk show today!
Today started off as a bit of a bummer, cause Erica text me telling me that she couldn't come to see me :( :( but I got over it...finally!
We arrived at the place at 12:10pm and we were briefed about what was going to be happening that day but we were still to find out who we were modelling for.
We did a lot of hanging around today, it was stressful! Haha! I was panicking so much, stressing about clothes not fitting me etc...
Once 1:30pm came we headed back to the room and got briefed again and told who we were going to be modelling for. I have to admit I hated my outfit, it was awful! Nothing matched, and I seriously hated it.
I was as nervous as anything but we finally got called and me along with another girl, Lucy walked down the escalator. Once we got to the bottom, we posed and then went back up the escaltor. It took all of 2 minutes at the most and I had been panicking all day about it!
I unfortunately didn't win...another girl did, she was older than me. I was happy for her, she was seriously pretty, just a little disappointed that I didn't win, but I came away with a LOT of experience and after my holiday in America I will be doing my own photoshoot. Who knows I may still get on the agents books :D
I met a lot of nice people today: Lucy, Ricardo, Danielle [I knew her from school], and Kelly [she was the girl who won] and its something I will never forget...if anything its added interest to maybe doing this as a career.
I DONT have any pictures from today, my dad was trying to master taking pictures and ran the battery of our camera out! Which sucks!
Ah well today was pretty good, and it snowed - seriously English weather is weird.
Anyways caio for now!
Today started off as a bit of a bummer, cause Erica text me telling me that she couldn't come to see me :( :( but I got over it...finally!
We arrived at the place at 12:10pm and we were briefed about what was going to be happening that day but we were still to find out who we were modelling for.
We did a lot of hanging around today, it was stressful! Haha! I was panicking so much, stressing about clothes not fitting me etc...
Once 1:30pm came we headed back to the room and got briefed again and told who we were going to be modelling for. I have to admit I hated my outfit, it was awful! Nothing matched, and I seriously hated it.
I was as nervous as anything but we finally got called and me along with another girl, Lucy walked down the escalator. Once we got to the bottom, we posed and then went back up the escaltor. It took all of 2 minutes at the most and I had been panicking all day about it!
I unfortunately didn't win...another girl did, she was older than me. I was happy for her, she was seriously pretty, just a little disappointed that I didn't win, but I came away with a LOT of experience and after my holiday in America I will be doing my own photoshoot. Who knows I may still get on the agents books :D
I met a lot of nice people today: Lucy, Ricardo, Danielle [I knew her from school], and Kelly [she was the girl who won] and its something I will never forget...if anything its added interest to maybe doing this as a career.
I DONT have any pictures from today, my dad was trying to master taking pictures and ran the battery of our camera out! Which sucks!
Ah well today was pretty good, and it snowed - seriously English weather is weird.
Anyways caio for now!
You know the modelling contest that I entered earlier this week. I got chosen to be in the final 5 and to model clothes, along a catwalk in my local mall. This is INSANE! I can't believe it. Im majorly nervous, but Im totally going to blog about it. Tell everyone how my day goes this Sunday....(:
Im super happy, and nervous right now
xo Lizzee
Im super happy, and nervous right now
xo Lizzee
So, its April, and officially summer, can I just add... it has been for like 2 dayssss!!!
I wanted to update again, even though I have no idea why? haha, but yeah Im going to anyways....
Yesterday I entered a modelling contest, I have no idea why, Im not the prettiest girl out there, or the thinnest, but my mom...obviously thinks other wise, cause she's all like "Do it, our radio station gave out information for it, log in online and send a picture of yourself" myself being the typical teenager was like "I'll do it later" but instead I actually logged on and read about it...asked the help of my myspace friends to comment the picture they think I should send it, and low and behold before 9pm yesterday I had entered myself into a modelling contest. bhahahaha!
A lot of things happened yesterday, stuff that made me feel pretty crappy came out, and made me want to turn to freaking anorexia cause lets face it, Im not thin, so why would someone look at my twice if they are photographed with someone like her. Yeah I read too much into stuff like this, particularly when certain things happen, with certain people, and they say they'll look for you, and hint at things on radio stations that can only be linked to you, but then you see their other side, which your mom told you to expect, but yet again you fall slightly head over heels (so to speak), and act like the freaking idiot!!!
Last week was a good week for me though, I got floor seats to a freaking USA Jonas show...which are really hard to come by considering I got them in GENERAL SALE!! and it was Madison Square Garden. I think that was my luck for the week...NO lets change that to my luck for the WHOLE month gone!
My updated calendar looks like this:
JB/Avril - Manchester, Birmingham, London [29, 30th May. 4th June]
JB MSG - 10th Aug
JB MSG - 11th Aug [FLOOR SEATS! :D]
JB BUFFALO, NY - 15th Aug [maybbbbeeeee *fingers crossed*]
As you can tell Im excited, cause i'll most likely tell you about my calendar in every freaking post...haha!
So what else can I talk about, hmmm...
So I decided to look up April Fools on Google, cause I do hold within me an inner nerd :P
Anything else? Erm... oh yeah this is the picture I sent into the modelling competition YAY..

OLD NAME: The Life Of A Teen[School,Shopping&Superstarssss]
NEW NAME: Unique in Everyway: My Life. Lizz-with-the-two-z's
Pce out
I wanted to update again, even though I have no idea why? haha, but yeah Im going to anyways....
Yesterday I entered a modelling contest, I have no idea why, Im not the prettiest girl out there, or the thinnest, but my mom...obviously thinks other wise, cause she's all like "Do it, our radio station gave out information for it, log in online and send a picture of yourself" myself being the typical teenager was like "I'll do it later" but instead I actually logged on and read about it...asked the help of my myspace friends to comment the picture they think I should send it, and low and behold before 9pm yesterday I had entered myself into a modelling contest. bhahahaha!
A lot of things happened yesterday, stuff that made me feel pretty crappy came out, and made me want to turn to freaking anorexia cause lets face it, Im not thin, so why would someone look at my twice if they are photographed with someone like her. Yeah I read too much into stuff like this, particularly when certain things happen, with certain people, and they say they'll look for you, and hint at things on radio stations that can only be linked to you, but then you see their other side, which your mom told you to expect, but yet again you fall slightly head over heels (so to speak), and act like the freaking idiot!!!
Last week was a good week for me though, I got floor seats to a freaking USA Jonas show...which are really hard to come by considering I got them in GENERAL SALE!! and it was Madison Square Garden. I think that was my luck for the week...NO lets change that to my luck for the WHOLE month gone!
My updated calendar looks like this:
JB/Avril - Manchester, Birmingham, London [29, 30th May. 4th June]
JB MSG - 10th Aug
JB MSG - 11th Aug [FLOOR SEATS! :D]
JB BUFFALO, NY - 15th Aug [maybbbbeeeee *fingers crossed*]
As you can tell Im excited, cause i'll most likely tell you about my calendar in every freaking post...haha!
So what else can I talk about, hmmm...
So I decided to look up April Fools on Google, cause I do hold within me an inner nerd :P
"April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, though not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. Traditionally, in some countries, the jokes only last until noon."
So what immediately springs to mind is SILLY STRING...haha yeah...I have an idea why too, but Im not going to share. If half of you reading this know me, or someone/something to do with me you will know why that came to my mind. Anyways I seriously need to prank someone, cause right now I need to laugh and joke around...dang it Spring Break has been one of the worst things ever, except for getting tickets, but one of the worst things cause well...I have tons of homework which I should be doing right now instead of updating the blog, but I really don't care...wow Im a rebel ;D.Anything else? Erm... oh yeah this is the picture I sent into the modelling competition YAY..

OLD NAME: The Life Of A Teen[School,Shopping&Superstarssss]
NEW NAME: Unique in Everyway: My Life. Lizz-with-the-two-z's
Pce out
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