I wanted to update again, even though I have no idea why? haha, but yeah Im going to anyways....
Yesterday I entered a modelling contest, I have no idea why, Im not the prettiest girl out there, or the thinnest, but my mom...obviously thinks other wise, cause she's all like "Do it, our radio station gave out information for it, log in online and send a picture of yourself" myself being the typical teenager was like "I'll do it later" but instead I actually logged on and read about it...asked the help of my myspace friends to comment the picture they think I should send it, and low and behold before 9pm yesterday I had entered myself into a modelling contest. bhahahaha!
A lot of things happened yesterday, stuff that made me feel pretty crappy came out, and made me want to turn to freaking anorexia cause lets face it, Im not thin, so why would someone look at my twice if they are photographed with someone like her. Yeah I read too much into stuff like this, particularly when certain things happen, with certain people, and they say they'll look for you, and hint at things on radio stations that can only be linked to you, but then you see their other side, which your mom told you to expect, but yet again you fall slightly head over heels (so to speak), and act like the freaking idiot!!!
Last week was a good week for me though, I got floor seats to a freaking USA Jonas show...which are really hard to come by considering I got them in GENERAL SALE!! and it was Madison Square Garden. I think that was my luck for the week...NO lets change that to my luck for the WHOLE month gone!
My updated calendar looks like this:
JB/Avril - Manchester, Birmingham, London [29, 30th May. 4th June]
JB MSG - 10th Aug
JB MSG - 11th Aug [FLOOR SEATS! :D]
JB BUFFALO, NY - 15th Aug [maybbbbeeeee *fingers crossed*]
As you can tell Im excited, cause i'll most likely tell you about my calendar in every freaking post...haha!
So what else can I talk about, hmmm...
So I decided to look up April Fools on Google, cause I do hold within me an inner nerd :P
"April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, though not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. Traditionally, in some countries, the jokes only last until noon."
So what immediately springs to mind is SILLY STRING...haha yeah...I have an idea why too, but Im not going to share. If half of you reading this know me, or someone/something to do with me you will know why that came to my mind. Anyways I seriously need to prank someone, cause right now I need to laugh and joke around...dang it Spring Break has been one of the worst things ever, except for getting tickets, but one of the worst things cause well...I have tons of homework which I should be doing right now instead of updating the blog, but I really don't care...wow Im a rebel ;D.Anything else? Erm... oh yeah this is the picture I sent into the modelling competition YAY..

OLD NAME: The Life Of A Teen[School,Shopping&Superstarssss]
NEW NAME: Unique in Everyway: My Life. Lizz-with-the-two-z's
Pce out
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