Earrings: My moms.
I'm such a geek and I love it! The fact that it's freezing outside gets me so excited. I adore winter, and christmas and snow (when I'm indoors of course!) but everything about late autumn with the leaves everywhere just makes me smile. I've seen this in my local Primark store for a while now and I finally bit the bullet and bought it. I honestly can't believe I paid 15£ for it though I could have probably bought one from somewhere else cheaper but I adore the pattern. The soft colours of navy and cream mix together perfectly and they aren't harsh which I like. I don't know what it is with me and navy blue of late but I'm buying it left right and centre. Haha.
Today I finished my first ever assignment for uni which of course won't effect my final grade due to the fact that first year work means nothing but that didn't stop me stressing out over it like I always stupidly do. Thank god it's over with that's all I've got to say... On to the other piece which is due in on 22nd November. Anyway enough with boring you with boring life.

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