Sunday snap time. New feature. Time for the end of week fill in.
001. Firstly, ignored the picture. I'm trying to keep myself interested and amused on this boring Sunday by photoboothing. XFACTOR AND THE ONLY WAY IS ESSEX ARE ON TONIGHT! WOOP! Excuse my use of caps and over excitement I actually have a very sad, sad life.
002. Secondly the blog... Everything's changed. I'm trying my hardest to update as many days as I possibly can. Throwing OOTD out there when I can actually get some good photos. I've got some hair products that I bought that I want to review but when I get around to it I don't know.
003. Uni is going to be a killer with assignments over the next month, I actually cannot wait for Christmas break to come. I spent the entire week researching and writing an essay about a photograph for Visual Studies AKA Death Module. I may admit that I don't think it was my best work but we have to learn some way and in my head I feel like I'm starting at the bottom.
004. It's Halloween and I'm not going out which sucks. I don't even have a trick or treating outfit. I know it's American and everything but I feel like we've adopted everything off them we may aswell go all out on Halloween too. My Mom hates it so we don't really do anything other than eat a bunch of sweets. Got some candy yesterday... I enjoy being fat/getting fat (apparently). I'll probably pop in a horror DVD later and get so scared that I can't go to sleep. I'm such a scaredy cat lol!
006. As most of you know I have a youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/wowitslizz) and I recently posted a new video. It's a TAG Video because I'm running out of ideas... Hope you all caught it, if not here it is:

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