#1. This week I've been doing my last minute things for my holiday like getting my sun tan lotion and panicking like crap. I'm usually on top of everything but I just haven't been so this holiday and it's not 100% my fault but sometimes I can quickly become one of those people who follows... So basically a sheep. I never used to be like that but that part of me has changed and I'm slowly trying to undo it because it's a trait that I really don't like. I mean essentially if you continue doing it you sort of lose yourself don't you? I've still got to get small stuff like an adapter but other than that I'm pretty much there!
#2. The weather has been amazing. Honestly, all I've been doing if not on the computer is sitting in the sun and trying to catch a few rays. Of course I'm doing it safely but it's been nice to go out and sit in beer gardens and just have fun etc... I mean this is what summer is all about, relaxing and enjoying stuff as much as you can!
#3. How funny is Bridesmaids? I have a movie/cinema week this week and watched a lot of films. First it was Fathers of Daughters with Ray Winstone which was a good storyline, then Morning Glory because Rachel McAdams is ridiculously stunning and Bridesmaids. I was laughing so hard at the beginning in particular, especially the speech part, it had me in stitches! I love going to the movies but being a poor student sometimes means I don't get the chance, other than Orange Wednesday's because I'm super cheap.... Oh well we're in a recession people! Haha!!
#4. Job hunting is becoming a complete and utter fail. I mean I was going to apply to work for Next in their Summer Clearance but I'm on holiday. The whole job front thing is beginning to annoy me somewhat, I mean it's not like I don't want to work, I want to get out of the house so much but everything involves money so I look at jobs and find that I'm either not qualified or I'm on holiday or whatever else... Basically there is always something stopping me. It's annoying!!!!
#5. This time next week I'll be in Ibiza.... Ahhhhhhh!

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