
shirt: new look
vest: new look
leggings: asos
scarf: river island
rings: asos, forever 21
nails: models own concrete mixer

Believe it or believe it not these leggings are khaki and more like jeggings, they have photographed terribly. Apologies about my hair I'm yet to straighten it and it looks like a scruffy mess!

Recently I've really gotten into blouses again. It's actually bad considering I've bought about five different ones this week... My excuse it that I'll be able to wear them on holiday... Yeah I doubt it but still. I love this one from New Look that I have one, I've bought it in cream and coral. It's actually really nice material and it dips down at the back for those of us who may be conscious about our bums.

Forever 21 has some awesome jewellery too. I'm obsessed with rings. Near enough every time I go out I have to take a look at different rings and more often than not buy them all. It's actually ridiculous and no doubt I'm soon going to end up looking like a chav with different sovereigns on each finger considering I must think I have more than four fingers on each hand the amount of rings I buy.

Going to go focus on some work and knock out another plan or two. See you on the other side.

sunday snap #22.

#1. Firstly excuse the picture, I'm lacking imagination and of late having this IDGAF attitude. Soz.

#2. This week I lived up to my student status and spent the entire weekend (well Friday and Saturday) in the pub. I'm not sorry about it because the weather was asking for it! And I had fun remaining sober... Yeah, makes sense in a pub really.

#3. Getting around to cutting down an essay on this lovely sunday. I'm taking to just doing crap all on a weekend work wise especially and it has got to stop. I've been looking through my diary and have seen how close deadlines are lingering and it's actually driving me insane. Not long now though!

#4. Looking foward to watching Essex again tonight. I know its a shite programme and so fake but thats the reason I like it due to it making me laugh. Near enough everyone I know hates this programme so when I'm taking about it everyone near enough groans or rips the absolute piss out of me. Get over it! Anyway, I'm looking forward to watching Marc Wright look incredibly unsexy and fugly in HD, again. Haha! No offence.

my week in pics #5.

1 - Studying slasher films.
2 - A bit of retail therapy.
4 - Sometimes uni can be fun, especially when you get to watch South Park for assignment prep.
5 - My attempt at capturing the large moon we've recently had. iPhone cam sux.
6 - Concrete Mixer, Grace Green.
7 - The Strokes have been getting me through assignments.
8 - "The Pat Butcher of rings".
9 - Domestic goddess?


dress: primark
cardigan: topshop
leggings: topshop
ring: asos
nails: models own grace green

Firstly, how lovely has the weather been this week! I have to say it has taken some getting used to because I have actually felt like I've been in a different country instead of England! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating slightly but sometimes its nice to dream. I haven't long gotten back from uni, even though there is a strike on, due to having a presentation. I was absolutely dreading it but it went okay... I think... So glad it is out of the way now though.

This outfit is something I always turn to in the summer, I've had these clothes ages. It's my go to outfit when I'm sometimes stuck for spring outfit ideas. Sometimes I hate Spring and Autumn, to me they are the deceiving months, because you never know how the weather is going to turn out. Let's hope that it stays how its been the last few days for ages because to be honest it's made me a lot happier!

I'm heading out to my brothers headline gig tonight at the O2 Academy, should be good. Happy Thursday everyone!!


dress: asos
cardigan: asos
leggings: topshop

The title of today's post comes from a song by The Answering Machine. I purchased their album off iTunes last week for only 5.99£ and its actually pretty good, so I recommend checking them out!

This dress really doesn't photograph well so I think any other time I'm wearing this I won't decided to do an outfit post. Its actually horrible and a waste of money. As you guessed it this week I've done nothing other than work again. I've decided I have got one of these natures that automatically makes me read into things and make them a trillion times harder for myself. I hate it but have no idea how to change it! That and I'm becoming such a control freak about things that it's actually quite scary. ~*Le sigh*~.

Oh and I learnt that MONA are going to be supporting Kings of Leon on their stadium tour this summer and I can't go because of lack of funds. ~*I H8 LYF*~

sunday snap #21.

#1. This week has been good even if its involved doing nothing. Maybe that is what has made it so good. I had uni one day this week. ONE DAY. Of course I had other things that needed doing with my time, but think of all the sleep I could have had. Of course I didn't have any of it, but I still like to think about it.

#2. Had a really good weekend not doing a whole lot. Just shopping and chilling. I'm up to my eyeballs in work so any break that I can get is utterly appreciated and needed. Looking forward to rounding off this weekend with the finale of Bedlam and the return of The Only Way Is Essex! Trash TV forever!


#4. Suppose I better get off to finish up work and practice my presentation that I've got this week. Boo!

my week in pics #4.

1 - Recommend The Take by Martina Cole. Love her novels.
2 - Handed in one of my assignments.
3 - Another to-do list. They are becoming far too frequent.
4 - Loving Jessie J's album.
5 - Drinkies with the girlies.
6 - Nicki Minaj "Super Bass" is a tune.
7 - Tom Hardy. That is all.
8 - Releasing my inner Ke$ha with 99p glitter nail varnish.
9 - Finally done with JtR.


top: h&m
jeggings: g21
nail varnish: NYC 105 starry silver glitter

Seriously everything is getting to me this week. I just want everything to be over. My mood in these photographs is terrible, my face looks like a deer caught in headlights and I look a mess but I wanted to update something. I'm currently obsessing about glitter nail varnish and have bought two bottles of the stuff both for under a pound £££ each! I'm such a cheap skate haha but it comes with the territory of being a student.

I really cannot wait for the weekend because I need to go out and do something eventful which involves a lot of dancing and some ~*indie*~ music and fast. COME ON WEEKEND.

sunday snap #20.

#1. I feel like this week has been never ending. Work after more work. Stupid uni breaks and time table changes. I've definitely got to the point where I'm literally begging for summer now. I haven't been able to post anything on the blog because I am adamant then I will get most of my work done as soon as I possibly can. Grr. I actually don't have anything to post about this week because I haven't done anything or gone anywhere baring uni. So... Peace.

sunday snap #19.

#1. This week has actually been terrible. I feel like everything is dragging. I've been ill again. Ugh. I've gotten stressed out so much about deadlines and looking at lists that are full of work. Sometimes everything feels way too much.

#2. Had so much fun last night at Nandos with the girls. I even pushed the boat out and had my burger as "Medium" haha, usually I'm "too scared" to have any spices at all and go for Plain. It was actually really nice, so I'm no longer going to be a plain jane in Nandos. The funniest part of the night was my best friend who decided to have hers as "hot" and she couldn't eat it. She was like "Shiiiiiit! Do they sell milk in here?"

#3. I'm really itching to buy new clothes. It's actually KILLING me. I can't buy anything because of my stupid holiday and I need to pay like 300£ or something.... Argh! It doesn't help when my brother's girlfriend comes home with stuff that I really like and want to go out to guy. H8 LYF.

bad kids.

top: asos
skirt: new look
tights: topshop
scarf: fusion
rings: topshop, primark

The title of today's post was taken from the song Bad Kids - Black Lips. If you haven't heard the song, definitely listen to it. After staring at the post for sometime I had to turn to my iTunes for inspiration because I had no idea. The skulls of the scarf just made the song seem appropriate somewhat.

I despise everything about this outfit, in particular the top. It's one of those things that I regret buying completely. It's just terrible on, and doesn't photograph well. I'm really considering going through all my clothes and seeing what I wear and what I don't. I've worn this t-shirt twice, last outfit post and this one. Surely it needs to be put on Ebay, right?

I'm busy with Uni work, planning and writing an essay of 1500 words for two weeks time but I'm still going out tonight and tomorrow night. Firstly to the cinema with my Mom, probably to see West is West and then tomorrow night I'm off out to Nandos with two of my girl friends. Should be good.


Band Recommendation: Second Side Made.

l-r Kyle, Tristan and Craig.

Made up of three members, this Rock/Post-Grunge/Alt. Metal trio come from Birmingham, UK and are my band recommendation of the week. Forming in early 2010, the band have made a name for themselves playing gigs in and around The Midlands and are definitely worth checking as they break up the somewhat stagnant Indie scene of today. Writing their own songs and creating their own distinctive sound which is self-confessed as being made from the different influences that each member has; Craig (Lead Guitar/Vox), Kyle (Bass/Backing Vox), Tristian (Percussion) are definitely one to watch!

Songs to listen to: 50:50.90, Backburner and Empty Symptom.

Check them out at:

black cherries.

cardigan: primark
jeans: topshop
vest: g21
scarf: river island
nails: rimmel 193 black cherries

Cannot believe it is March already! This year is flying just as fast as last. It's scary. I'm on "reading week" from Uni but of course no reading is actually being done. I'm using my time wisely though doing actual work like essays that have to be in for two weeks time. You can tell I'm not leaving the house from today's outfit because I've gone for comfort. Meh. That's how I feel. So instead of boring any of your further I'm gonna quit whilst I'm ahead.