#1. This week has actually been terrible. I feel like everything is dragging. I've been ill again. Ugh. I've gotten stressed out so much about deadlines and looking at lists that are full of work. Sometimes everything feels way too much.
#2. Had so much fun last night at Nandos with the girls. I even pushed the boat out and had my burger as "Medium" haha, usually I'm "too scared" to have any spices at all and go for Plain. It was actually really nice, so I'm no longer going to be a plain jane in Nandos. The funniest part of the night was my best friend who decided to have hers as "hot" and she couldn't eat it. She was like "Shiiiiiit! Do they sell milk in here?"
#3. I'm really itching to buy new clothes. It's actually KILLING me. I can't buy anything because of my stupid holiday and I need to pay like 300£ or something.... Argh! It doesn't help when my brother's girlfriend comes home with stuff that I really like and want to go out to guy. H8 LYF.

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