cardigan: asos
leggings: topshop
The title of today's post comes from a song by The Answering Machine. I purchased their album off iTunes last week for only 5.99£ and its actually pretty good, so I recommend checking them out!
This dress really doesn't photograph well so I think any other time I'm wearing this I won't decided to do an outfit post. Its actually horrible and a waste of money. As you guessed it this week I've done nothing other than work again. I've decided I have got one of these natures that automatically makes me read into things and make them a trillion times harder for myself. I hate it but have no idea how to change it! That and I'm becoming such a control freak about things that it's actually quite scary. ~*Le sigh*~.
Oh and I learnt that MONA are going to be supporting Kings of Leon on their stadium tour this summer and I can't go because of lack of funds. ~*I H8 LYF*~

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