#1. Firstly excuse the picture, I'm lacking imagination and of late having this IDGAF attitude. Soz.
#2. This week I lived up to my student status and spent the entire weekend (well Friday and Saturday) in the pub. I'm not sorry about it because the weather was asking for it! And I had fun remaining sober... Yeah, makes sense in a pub really.
#3. Getting around to cutting down an essay on this lovely sunday. I'm taking to just doing crap all on a weekend work wise especially and it has got to stop. I've been looking through my diary and have seen how close deadlines are lingering and it's actually driving me insane. Not long now though!
#4. Looking foward to watching Essex again tonight. I know its a shite programme and so fake but thats the reason I like it due to it making me laugh. Near enough everyone I know hates this programme so when I'm taking about it everyone near enough groans or rips the absolute piss out of me. Get over it! Anyway, I'm looking forward to watching Marc Wright look incredibly unsexy and fugly in HD, again. Haha! No offence.

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