#1. This week was my final week at Uni. I don't have to go in now unless to collect or hand in work. I always find that the boring bit, because I need to actually find the motivation to get off my butt to go into uni for literally .456 seconds. I suppose it has to be done though. Soon be over. And the weather is just perfect too... So something is going right after all.
#2. I enjoyed a girls night in Friday night at one of my friends houses. We ordered a takeaway and watched films. Two of my friends have recently broken up with their boyfriends so they just want to be around ~*their girlzzz*~ to forget about everything. It was actually quite fun. I'm enjoying simpler things all over again. I think when teens in England get to 18 they think they need to go our and get blind drunk to have a good time but to tell you the truth it gets boring after about the third or four time of hitting da club.
#3. Recently started watch The Borgias. It is actually really good. I like the whole incorporation of drama with history. Whilst it may not always be true to facts you can actually learn something. I mean, I've found myself researching the house of Borgia since I've started watching the show and I've definitely learnt something. I like how most of the cast, if not all of them are British. It's refreshing to know that Britain can still produce some great actors. It's a shame that as a country we don't plough a lot of money into arts and rely on American's for that because then we hardly get anything back from great creations because of lack of production. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox now haha, but I suggest checking The Borgias out if anyone has the time!
#4. Sorry for lack of any posts this week I've just been enjoying time away from a bunch of stuff and making sure my work is done and ready to be handed in. I'm now currently trying to plan my other two essays that need to be in after the easter holidays. I'm actually looking quite forward to one of my assignments for my Media, Power and Politics due to the different aspect that it brings to the table. The fact that I can write a letter to my local MP talking about something rather than a typical essay makes me look at the subject in a different light. I'm actually excited to write something for this piece of work. geek 4 lyf.

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