#1. It's my Mom's birthday tomorrow so we went out for a meal today. I like spoiling her when it comes to her birthday because she does so much for me that I literally would be lost without her. We're going shopping tomorrow, so I can get her a couple of new things like clothes, but I want her to pick them out. Whilst there I'll get some stuff for Ibiza in July... It's so close now that I'm beginning to panic and get broke. Story of my life maybe.
#2. I went to my best friends sisters at the weekend to do some house sitting. It was immense. Had such a blast cooking, watching movies and generally catching up. We always used to joke that we would move in with each other if we ever were to move down to London... Haha... It would be a nightmare because we're both so messy. However least I know I'd survive and wouldn't die of hunger any time soon considering Erica, my best friend, is an awesome cook!
#3. I've been a lot better with the blog this week, getting posts out there. Still lacking on OOTD's because I just don't have to time to knock up pictures and then write how my life is going. I don't really have a lot to talk about because all I'm doing in the week is working. A lot of uni deadlines are coming up and modules are coming to a close or have already finished. I really can't believe that I'm done with my first year of uni technically. The hard work starts next year and to tell you the truth I'm dreading it. I've just got to put a lot of work in and remain focused.
#4. I've been working out a lot more this week and I've found something within myself that actually enjoys it now. I don't know maybe its the idea of having to go on holiday with people, friends, who are slim, WAY WAY WAY slimmer than me but I'm trying so hard to become comfortable and hopefully this will help. One of my summer goals is to get fit, something I've been trying to do since the beginning of 2011. There hasn't been a week day that doesn't go by where I haven't worked out so I'm thinking I'm going to keep to this. It's not about weight loss, it's gonna be about lifestyle change from now one. I think that's where I've gone wrong before. Anyway, Dr Phil episode over with for another week haha!

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