#1. Didn't get a chance to do a "portrait snap" this week so I copped out and just stuck in a picture that was taken friday night. Soz.
#2. Had a great weekend celebrating a friends birthday from college. Went to Gatecrasher and spent most of the night dancing to Oasis considering thats all the music that the "indie" DJ appeared to like. Haha! The price of alcohol is ridiculous... £15 for a pitcher in Revolution... You can get two for that price in Wetherspoons. So glad I'm not one of these people who has to get blind drunk to have a good time because I would so skint right now!
#3. I'm sick of having lack of confidence in a ton of different things. Either it's ideas that I have, how I look, my thoughts or opinions and what others have done. I'm always worrying about whether I've done something right and compare EVERYTHING virtually. I mean if that's how I've interpreted something then surely it's right? If I can back up something I say or do then it's right, right? I don't know, I'm just over a ton of things. I'm over worrying. I need to stop it.
#4. I AM SO STOKED FOR WRESTLE MANIA TONIGHT! I know that's GHEY or whatever but I actually am. The fact that I've actually thought about paying £15 to see a bunch of steroid filled men throw each other around a ring and completely be fake acting makes me LOL but it just had to be done. And when I say pay, I mean my brother paid.
#5. Last but by no means least.... Happy Mothers Day mom! :)

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