#1. I think I may have I figured out how to work this BlogPress application. I don't want to get ahead of myself but fingers crossed it's all good. Pictures ma be a little bit of a barsteward but maybe I've got the art if personal blogging without a computer down.
#2. Some idiot ran into the back of my Mom's car this week so we currently have a temporary one. I have to say it's so nice to have a newer car - the new car smell inside is to die for... Haha! Hopefully this gives my Mom that last push to get a new car like she's been saying she will do for the last six months. Finally.
#3. My holiday is like one month away.... Argh! It's so close now. I cannot wait to get some sun especially with all the rain that we've been having!!!!! It's driving me crazy the whole getting ready thing though.... I feel like I have so much stuff left to do but not enough time and dramas with certain friends don't help either. Honestly I feel like I'm stuck when it comes to the whole thing.... Ugh frustration!
#4. Completely converted my best friend and made her a fan of Made in Chelsea. We watched this weeks episode on Monday and she's been catching up on the previous episodes that she has missed. She's completely hooked on the whole Spencer and Caggie thing, as am I... She was like "OMG THIS PROGRAMME IS FUCKING EPIC!!!!" - woo hoo! Don't think I've quite converted her to be TOWIE fan just yet, but there's still time.... -evil laugh- Mwahahahahaha!

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