I've been wearing my hair up like this for a while now, just throwing it up in a hair tie and making do. I have to say it's been doing my head in, always being in my face but I'm really conscious of my shoulders... They're like swimmers shoulders. My old P.E teacher at school told me that she thought I had a swimmers body, whatever that is. Anyway, my hair will be back down as of tomorrow I can assure you!
To most people I probably look at mess but I wanted to get another video out there for you guys and this was the best I could do. The picture quality isn't great and again I apologise for that! I really need to sort of my camera out... I know I keep saying it but I do. Anyway I think I'm going to have to keep this one short because I can barely type my fingers are that cold, I must invest in some fingerless gloves.

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