#1. This week has been a nightmare! My internet hasn't been working and I've had to go to my friends how to upload videos for youtube and even write this blog. (I will say that it's Saturday night when I write this so I am sort of cheating, sorry!) Ignore my picture, just a quick photobooth snap and bobs your uncle. Anyway, I really hope that my internet sorts itself out because I feel really bad that I haven't been updating the blog.
#2. I went to see Kings of Leon yesterday and I have to say one) they were FANTASTIC, AMAZING, INCREDIBLE! and two) I am still recovering from it. I don't know what it is but my head is absolutely killing me and I didn't touch a drop of alcohol... so I'm definitely, as my friends say, confused-dot-com, haha! The crowd were so good, like jumping around and singing along. Of course I had some annoying girl on my back who only knew them because of Sex On Fire, which is of course annoying especially when she and her friend are constantly saying after every song, "When are they going to play Sex on Fire?" I mean COME ON, they have OTHER SONGS, maybe if you really liked them you would find out that their stuff before Sex on Fire is wayyyyy better!!! They played one of my favourites which is Four Kicks, so I well chuffed haha, but in all honestly if you haven't seen Kings of Leon then I recommend that you should, because last night was the best 50£ I have ever spent! Can't wait to go see them play again!
#3. I WISH THE SNOW WOULD GO AWAY. Today I had plans with my friends which have been put on hold for in the middle of the week but I honestly don't think we're gonna get to do them. The snow was falling so thick and fast today that I actually wanted to scream at the top of my lungs WHY GOD WHY?! I mean sure the snow is lovely to look at, makes everything feel really Christmasy and without a doubt makes everything look like the front of a Christmas card but when you have to venture out it makes everything so dangerous. To be honest I think I'm over Winter.
#4. ANOTHER REASON I HATE THE SNOW.... Because I was going to the football today (Sunday) to see my local football derby but noooo, that's been cancelled due to the snow. Not good. The snow needs to get my memo which says GO AWAY.
#5. If you didn't catch the video I uploaded in the week then here it is:

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