Hey everyone! Just wanted to apologise in advance that this week I won't be posting anymore outfit's of the day. I am absolutely snowed under with work. I'm currently working on a 1500 word essay that is talking about representation. I'm trying my hardest to get my head around it and use the correct amount of everything. I have to say I am so, so nervous about the outcome of this essay! I want to pass with flying colours so to speak but I have seriously began to doubt myself and my knowledge about media.
I love the subject so much and I really can see myself working in the field some day, and it's not that the works hard it's just complex. There's so many pieces to the puzzle that you have to find and make sure they fit. It's time consuming and I hate it, but I'm not going to give up, I can't. So right now my Uni work is becoming the first priority in my life right now not because it has to but because I need it to. In order to get what I want out of my life I need to do this.
I promise when things ease off I'll come back to this blog. I'm sure I'll be able to get at least one outfit post a week but I can't promise anything on that!
See you on the other side, so far I'm a third of the way through. Wish me luck!

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