it was the night before christmas

Hello everyone, it's a rambling blog coming your way. It's Christmas Eve and I'm wide awake watching The Holiday which has to be one of my favourite christmas films ever. I absolutely adore Jude Law in this film in particular. Anyway, I want to get my apologies for not updating the blog at all this week. I know, I suck, but I've just been incredible busy with either doing sweet FA, or seeing friends, and (ex's) but lets not go there yes? Yeah, okay. Basically I've just been too busy.... That's what christmas does to us all I suppose.

I just wanted to say, I'm super excited for tomorrow. I'm having dinner with the fam and then I'm going spend my time slobbing out and getting fat(ter) aha! Hope you all have an amazing christmas, doing whatever you enjoying doing and here's to a great 2011!