#1. I finally finished my christmas shopping! I've bought everything I needed to get and have now wrapped it. Only just finished it though... Now watching Elf with my family. I love this film! I know it word for word I've watched it that many times though. I have to say I've seen favouritism towards my parents when buying presents - I just don't know what to buy for my Dad and being a girl it's so much easier to buy for my Mom so it's definitely not intentional. Breathing a sigh of relief that it's all done with now.
#2. Excuse the picture, I took it this morning when I was eating breakfast. I have to say I didn't wake up till 12:15, sooo lazy. But over this last few days I've been sleeping in so late which is really unlike me. I don't know whether it means I'm coming down with some illness or I just need to catch up with sleep, but I have to say I love it and I'm not going to complain about an extra couple of hours.
#3. I can't believe today is the final X Factor. Honestly I feel like this year has flown by and it's actually pretty scary. Anyway, I would really love Matt or One Direction to win. As much as I love Rebecca, and her KILLER voice, she doesn't move. For me a successful artist is both an amazing singer/songwriter and entertainer. I want to know that if I'm going to pay money to see that person I'm going to have a fantastic time, and to me Rebecca just doesn't do that. I watched last night and have to say that Rhianna blew me away. I don't really like her if I'm being honest with myself and I never really have. I don't have a reason for it she just isn't my taste I suppose, but she was brilliant last night. I just wish she would change her hair colour because it does nothing for her!
#4. I went to see my friend perform this week at her Uni SU bar. She did amazing, a right little rocker she is! She was nervous as anything but I knew she was going to rock it! It's weird for the two of us because sometimes we're joined at the hip and going to different universities was going to be a "challenge" so to say but I'm proud of her, she's like my sister, and I'm glad she's sticking it out and doing what she loves! :)
#5. Next week is going to be AMAZING. I'm going to see Kings of Leon which is just.... jkjlkljkdnk'sknfeoinan! I can't actually put it into words, but just know that next weeks 'Sunday Snap' will be SO much more interesting!

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