#1. This week I've been stressing out so much about my essay, as you guy saw from my last post that I've spent the entire week with my head in a book. Not that I had anywhere to go, or wanted to leave my house because the weather outside is basically snow. Everywhere. Yeah I love it, I love it even more when I don't have to leave the house, but I always have to leave the house! I honestly can't want until Uni is over just for the sake of not having to leave. I've almost finished, just need to write the conclusion... Argh!
#2. I went to see London Boulevard with my Mom last week (I forgot to blog about it on my last Sunday blog haha). She loves Ray Winstone, and I wanted to treat her... Plus I have to say Colin Farrell isn't bad on the eye either. I actually really liked the film even though I can't stand Keira Knightly. I had to laugh though because sitting behind me and my Mom were two old women who clearly didn't like her either, and I quote: "Why have they chosen her for? She has no chest." "She's got a big chin as well." I wasn't expecting the ending, it actually made me quite annoyed. I don't know... Sigh.
#3. Thursday I braved the snow and I'm actually proud when I say I didn't slip once, however I was walking like an OAP with a zimmer frame BUT I DON'T CARE! Haha... I did it! I had uni from 11am-7pm... Terrible. It was scary walking back on my own and my Mom made me talk to her the entire journey home. I hated it! I'm not going in next week considering it's only a seminar, I'll just email in. My lecturers appear heartless considering next week is the independent task and they're swapping it around, well they can screw!
#4. I HAVEN'T STARTED MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! WHAT!!!!! I think I'm just gonna go to the mini-shopping centre thats about 10 minutes down the road and get my Mom's gift or should I say gifts... I want to spoil her this year. I don't know what it is but this year has made me really appreciate my Mom, not that I didn't appreciate her before, but now I definitely don't take her for granted. I think I'm going to get my brother a bunch of DVDs... He loves comedians and stuff like that so fingers crossed he likes it. That or a iTunes gift card? Hmmm....
#5. WE PUT OUR CHRISTMAS TREE UP YESTERDAY!!! Super early for us, usually do it the middle of December but my Mom's going out next week with her work. Some charity ball or something.... Anyway, yesterday I got all excited because I love putting the decorations up! Other than that I've just been working on my essay, writing and editing... Fun, fun, fun!

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