Lately my "style" has been changing quite a bit. One place where this has been showing is through my accessories. I have been becoming more and more plain as the months have been going on. Whether this has a lot to do with lack of time or being plain lazy I'm not quite sure. Probably the latter. These ASOS multipack plain bang rings are so simple yet chic at the same time. I have both colours, gold and silver and I find that they look great with everything. They are reasonably priced at £8.00 too!
Lately my "style" has been changing quite a bit. One place where this has been showing is through my accessories. I have been becoming more and more plain as the months have been going on. Whether this has a lot to do with lack of time or being plain lazy I'm not quite sure. Probably the latter. These ASOS multipack plain bang rings are so simple yet chic at the same time. I have both colours, gold and silver and I find that they look great with everything. They are reasonably priced at £8.00 too!
Due to the heat wave that has currently been thrust upon us here in good ol' blighty I thought I would invest in something that would 'fix' my make up in place and help it last longer, rather than melting away in the sun. *Just a little note: I rarely wear makeup in the day - sunny or not - this product is something I wanted to test for nights out, or when I fancied wearing makeup in the day*
I have to say that this product has had me interested for quite some time. This has a lot to do with the face that it is actually so multi-purpose. The product itself is specifically targetted at sensitive, hypersensitive, allergic and irritated skin. You just spray this onto the skin and its comes out in a light mist that is considerably soothing. It can be used for the following: "sunburn, after anti-acne treatments, nappy rash, razor burn/hair removal" as well as after cleansing, for setting makeup (which I originally bought this product for) and as a general refreshing spray. With this in mind I'd say it was something to definitely invest in, especially for the summer months.
Upon using this product I did love it. Without a doubt it is something that I will buy again when I have finished my initial purchase. Like most people no doubt I caught a bit of sun over the weekend and got a little bit sun burnt on my shoulders - this eased the soreness of that immediately. I would say that it is slightly better than rubbing after sun into the skin as you aren't actually touching the already irritated skin.
As a makeup setting and refreshing I would say that whilst it works really well, it isn't the best. It does get rid of any cakeyness of foundation and achieves a glowy look - but sometimes if you are heavy handed it almost unsets your makeup a little causing it to slide or crease slightly.
I have to say that this product has had me interested for quite some time. This has a lot to do with the face that it is actually so multi-purpose. The product itself is specifically targetted at sensitive, hypersensitive, allergic and irritated skin. You just spray this onto the skin and its comes out in a light mist that is considerably soothing. It can be used for the following: "sunburn, after anti-acne treatments, nappy rash, razor burn/hair removal" as well as after cleansing, for setting makeup (which I originally bought this product for) and as a general refreshing spray. With this in mind I'd say it was something to definitely invest in, especially for the summer months.
Upon using this product I did love it. Without a doubt it is something that I will buy again when I have finished my initial purchase. Like most people no doubt I caught a bit of sun over the weekend and got a little bit sun burnt on my shoulders - this eased the soreness of that immediately. I would say that it is slightly better than rubbing after sun into the skin as you aren't actually touching the already irritated skin.
As a makeup setting and refreshing I would say that whilst it works really well, it isn't the best. It does get rid of any cakeyness of foundation and achieves a glowy look - but sometimes if you are heavy handed it almost unsets your makeup a little causing it to slide or crease slightly.
However, overall I would say that this product is one of those that is essential, especially for summer. Smaller versions are also available.
I have actually has this brush for quite some time now. I bought the Real techniques Core Collection as soon as they hit the high street/drug store. After hearing so much hype about these brushes I just knew I had to try them myself. I was wary at first, maybe it was blogging pressure but I caved and bought both the Core Collection and the Stippling Brush (which I have previously reviewed here).
I cannot stress how much I love this as a foundation brush. I have used it literally everyday since I pucahsed it and cannot see myself using anything else for my foundation for a long time to come yet (even though sometimes I pair it with the stippling brush).
The brush itself is a flat top kabuki style brush that is made up of synthetic fibres. I have to say whilst others have said they find the colour and actual brush handle a bit naff, I like how each section of the collection is colour co-ordinated. The orange/gold colour gives the brush a little something extra without being offensive. When I use the buffing brush, my foundation applies flawlessly and with very little effort (which is useful especially regarding early mornings/lack of time etc...) It glides on the skin without becoming patchy or streaky, which means that application takes next to no time and aids against any worry that you're foundation looks awful, or is just sitting on the skin, filling me/you with confidence that the foundation looks like a second skin.
Regarding application, I use a mixture of stippling and buffing. By stippling I can build up product and coverage upon and around areas where I need it more, before then blending this out (and making it appear that there is less product upon the skin) in a circular motion.
Like I said before (in my previous Real Techniques Stippling Brush review) it would be easy to rave about these brushes especially with the knowledge that they are the creation of Sam Chapman who is of Pixiwoo fame (along side her sister Nic) as well as regarding the beauty community and the rallying together to support her. But with or without this I would still suggest them to anyone and everyone... It is not just blog hype at all! Honestly, if you wanted to invest in a foundation brush (whether you are a highly into makeup, or just beginning) then get this one! Unfortunately, you can't this brush alone as it is part of a kit called "the core collection" which comes in at around £21. However I would recommend that kit just for this brush alone. By itself I would pay £21 considering how easy it has made my foundation application for me. If you find you can't part with that amount of money then keep your eyes peeled as Boots are always throwing out 3 for 2 promotions, and then grab them at a steal! Definitely worth every penny!
Like I said before (in my previous Real Techniques Stippling Brush review) it would be easy to rave about these brushes especially with the knowledge that they are the creation of Sam Chapman who is of Pixiwoo fame (along side her sister Nic) as well as regarding the beauty community and the rallying together to support her. But with or without this I would still suggest them to anyone and everyone... It is not just blog hype at all! Honestly, if you wanted to invest in a foundation brush (whether you are a highly into makeup, or just beginning) then get this one! Unfortunately, you can't this brush alone as it is part of a kit called "the core collection" which comes in at around £21. However I would recommend that kit just for this brush alone. By itself I would pay £21 considering how easy it has made my foundation application for me. If you find you can't part with that amount of money then keep your eyes peeled as Boots are always throwing out 3 for 2 promotions, and then grab them at a steal! Definitely worth every penny!
Matte nails were all the rage a while ago but I didn't get around to liking them. That was up until recently when I came across this Elf Matte Nail Varnish and knew that I hadn't really gotten to using the product.
I have to say I was quite surprised by the effect of the varnish. Mainly this was because I paid £1.50 and others on the drugstore market are usually more expensive. The effect was nice, added something different, but I think I'll be sticking to my usual nail polish effect. However for those who like the look who are looking for something that won't break their bank balance then definitely look at ELF.
Blusher for me isn't something that I really reach for. I tend to stay away from anything on my cheeks baring a bit of Mac MSF or a nice highlighter. This has a lot to do with my naturally blushed cheeks that I tried to hide with green primer. However when I spotted this Sleek blush I wanted to give it try.
With this review I'm going to start off with the basics. Like other Sleek blushes this cam in avery compact and sturdy black container that holds 8g worth of product inside. There is a large mirror that fills the lid, whilst it's not the biggest mirror it is definitely usable.
The finish of the blusher itself is matte. It is a very soft blush that is easy to blend on and through the cheek. The product is powdery as opposed to cream based blushes and I don't particularly find it chalky upon application.
I don't have many Sleek products but those that I do have are of high quality and boast fantastic pigmentation for their price. This product however I don't find to be as pigmented as some of the other Sleek blushes, but I am mainly putting this down to two reasons, one this product is part of the "nude" collection and two the colour itself isn't as bright and colourful as other Sleek blushes. I prefer that this product is less pigmented as it means it is easier to apply and more buildable to taste. The colour itself is browny nude with hints of corally orange it it, therefore this too could double up as a contour.
Overall I like this blush and I have to say I think it may have converted me towards trying colour upon my foundation. It can be used as contour upon the cheek, as it isn't too onrage and the matte finish make its look more natural. As well as it being used a blush upon the apple of the cheeks - therefore you are getting more for you money (it is quite the steal at £4.30)!
Check out your local Superdruge or the Sleek website for more here
#1. Well here we have long awaited Sunday Snap post! I know I said I would side step away from blogging for a little bit, but I couldn't do ti completely. Anyway my week has been packed out of good stuff so I decided that I need to do a little catch up post this week... And to be honest, it is great to be back doing these!
#2. I started my work placement this week at a local news company in the area where I live. I have to say it has been a great insight so far! Really been loving what they have been throwing at me. At first I was finding it a little difficult to throw away my inhibitions, but I stepped out of my comfort zone (meaning I not only completed one, but two of my goals for this year!) So far I've been part of two live broadcasts, the creation of two stories that have gone out of the news. I've drafted online work that has been sent away for further editing by actual workers. It's nice to think that I can contribute in some way to the big machine of the news. Also, I have planned and written several PR/NR for future stories that are in the pipeline and are possible bulletins! It's all very exciting and I definitely would like to work in this environment - it's hard work but when it all comes together it is rewarding and exhilarating at the same time! The experience has given me a lot of think about, and I have definitely learnt a lot of valuable things, and had a valuable insight into a newsroom environment. It has taught me to just go for it because you never know, don't let anything hold you back, confidence, knowledge, believe in yourself - because if you don't, no one will!
#3. I'm going to be turning my focus to driving now considering it is a huge element that I need to be able to do in order to further myself in my career path. To think that I'm 21 this year and cannot drive, its actually rather embarrassing. Fingers crossed that I take to it quite easily because I would like to be able to pass early next year or something (as long as I'm passed, near passing before my last year of uni is done then I will be happy!)
#4. Planning on getting back into working out. I have ordered my cross trainer and am gonna go HARD. Go hard or go home and all that jazz. All this lack of training is making me feel extremely bloated out, plus with everything being switched around out of my routine I just feel terrible. Hopefully, I can pick myself up before next week! I don't want to be fatiguing half way through my plans... Haha!
#5. To roundup on something like, 7 days until I go and see Westlife! Don't think I will do a roundup next week as I will be at the concert at this time.... Unfortunately, or maybe not so unfortunately! I have sneaked a look at the set list and I have to say I'm really excited, even more so because they are singing one of my favourites (if not my big big favourite of their's even if it didn't chart that well) Bop, Bop, Baby!

I have to say that this product has been a lifesaver for me this week. I am currently having to commute to a placement and the hours are really long (I am LOVING it though!) and the early hours plus my hair aren't really the greatest of combinations.
Before I start any review of sort, I just want to point out my hair is by no means oily. This product was actually something that my Mum picked up for me in her weekly shop, so I had to make do haha! However, on saying that this product is brilliant. Unlike the popular Batiste (which I do use a lot of the time) this product does not leave any white residue in the hair considering it is a transparent formula.
Tresemme's description of this product is as goes: "transform
limp, lifeless locks into healthy, full-bodied hair when you skip
shampoo. The Mineral Clay and Citrus formula removes oil and odor that
weighs hair down, so you can have instant salon-quality volume without a
drop of water." The Volumizing Dry Shampoo contains mineral clay (which
seeks out and absorbs oil, injecting hair with instant salon-gorgeous
volume), and citrus extracts (eliminates odor, infusing hair with a
fresh, clean scent).
I tended to use this product the day after I washed my hair, and the day after that when I didn't have time to wash my hair due to my commute. On average I was using this product three to four times a week. I found that it did inject some sort of volume to my hair to begin with, giving extra body to the root.
The product comes in an aerosol can, which requires shaking before you can dispense it. It is recommended that you lift sections of hair at the roots, and spray in short bursts about 8-12 inches from the head. After finishing this routine all over your head, you're supposed to let the shampoo sit for 1-2 minutes before brushing/combing out. For best use, TRESemme recommends shaking the can in between bursts of product.
What I can only describe as a typical tresemme shampoo smell lingers in the hair, it is a noticeable citrus-y smell. It is not overpowering but it adds a fresh scent to your hair adding to the look of washed hair. At first I wasn't a fan of this scent but it definitely grew on me as the days and use went by.
Something that can be quite irratating about the product is how sometimes it is hit and miss with the look that you can achieve with the product. Sometimes your hair can look volumous, clean and ready for the day where as sometimes the product appears to not do anything at all.
Yet, for the most part, this product is decent. It's affordable and does what it's supposed to do. I don't think it is groundbreaking, neither do I think that it is the world worst shampoo. Compared to Batiste I would most likely choose this considering of its transparency which for me seem to the be the deal breaker.
Something that can be quite irratating about the product is how sometimes it is hit and miss with the look that you can achieve with the product. Sometimes your hair can look volumous, clean and ready for the day where as sometimes the product appears to not do anything at all.
Yet, for the most part, this product is decent. It's affordable and does what it's supposed to do. I don't think it is groundbreaking, neither do I think that it is the world worst shampoo. Compared to Batiste I would most likely choose this considering of its transparency which for me seem to the be the deal breaker.
I have been coveting this nail polish for quite some time now but because i know how much of a pain removing glitter nail polish can be I've always decided against buying it. That was until recently when I could no longer put myself off.
Of course like the other Models Own nail polishes, this is another beauty. A mix of purple/pink and blue glitter that looks beautiful on the nails. The colours on the nail look so strong and vibrant! However I would say that you need around two to three coats to get full coverage of glitter over the nail.
I apply both a top coat and base coat when applying this nail varnish, obviously this makes the varnish itself last longer. The wear is pretty decent, up to five days without chipping. I would say apply thinner layers in order for it to last longer, rather than trying to get the full glitter effect straight away.
I don't know any blogger who doesn't have these shoes either black velvet or black "leather", myself included. Considering the spring/summer months are upon us I knew I had to invest in the nude version of the shoes. They are gorgeous. I have to say I think I prefer them in the nude over the black.
As a shoe they are so versatile and add something to any outfit, hence why I have both black and nude. They do rub quite a lot though so I have to say wear them in around the house before you embark on a trip out. That or make sure you have a box of plasters in your handbag!
So here is one of my many reviews to come regarding Real Techniques makeup brushes. It is definitely long awaited but I wanted to make sure that I had had actual use out of the brush before I 'reviewed' it.
For those of you who don't know, the brushes are created by Samantha Chapman, one half of the brilliant YouTube Gurus known as Pixiwoo. They launched in Boots earlier this year, after being raved about across the beauty community (by those who could get their hands on them!). I had been dying to get my hands on them myself, so as soon as I heard that Boots were stocking them I immediately (and maybe somewhat wisely considering they were sold out in local Boots) ordered them online.
Before I go into my thoughts let me tell you a little bit about the product itself. The bristles are made of Taklon which is not only 100% synthetic but cruelty free and incredibly, super soft to touch/use. The brush is definitely the softest that I have ever use before, and glides against the face beautifully. The brushes are colour coded and there's three colour sections, goldy/yellow/orange for flawless base, purple for enhanced eyes and pink for a perfect finish. I own both the pink stippling brush and flawless base set.
Now onto my thoughts and how I use the brush itself. It has to be said before using the brush I definitely had high expectations of the brand - I was no way let down either. My first stippling brush belonged to ELF (which I have previously reviewed) and I have to say I wasn't too aware of the effect that they had upon the overall finish of the foundation upon the skin.
Compared to the ELF brush, the Real Techniques Stippling Brush blows it out of the water. The brush buffs the foundation into the skin beautifully making it look very natural, like your skin but better, sometimes giving an almost airbrushed finished to the foundation base. It is dense enough to allow you to buff the product into the skin, whilst soft enough that it makes the product glide against the skin gently. Not only does it make your skin look better but I have found that this brush also means I work a lot quicker with my foundation, and it cuts the amount of time I take on applying my makeup down dramatically. That's always a plus!
Overall, I am incredibly pleased with these brushed. For the price that you are paying, you are getting an incredible brush, that could easily give any Mac brushes a run for their money! They are definitely worth the money and then some. Can't wait to hit Boots up again soon and go and grab some more... I don't think I'll look back. Real Techniques is definitely the way forward!

I have to say at first I was skeptical when it came to buying this brush. I wouldn't say that I am particularly snobby about what products I used but brushes/makeup tools are key items to creating that flawless base. I have to say I was completely changed around after use of this product.
Firstly I'll start off with the brush. I have to say it's soft to the touch. Dense but not incredibly dense, yet enough strength to stipple without the bristles squashing. The bristles themselves can stain quite easy, but that is easily rectified with cleaning etc...
I use this brush to apply my foundation at the moment but alternate between this and my Real Techniques Buffing Brush (which I will be reviewing soon). Personally I find this brush is best used with a dotting motion around the face, which leaves more of a flawless finish than as buffing motion. Application wise it applies the foundation smoothly and faster than usual.
The brush is from the Studio Range at E.L.F - which is priced at £3.50 compared to the usual £1.50.

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