Olympic fever! GB nails tutorial.

Items needed:
- Bobby pin/Hair grip
- Base coat/top coat *I opted for Rimmel Superwear Topcoat*
- Red nail varnish *I opted for Rimmel 030 Double Decker Red*
- Blue nail varnish *I opted for Avon Speeddry+ Twilight Blue*
- White nail varnish *I opted for Rimmel Nail Tip Whitener*

Firstly before I get onto explaining the steps of this tutorial I just want to say that Olympic fever has definitely gripped and took a hold of me! I haven't moved from my television screen (okay slight exaggeration considering I've been to the gym and showered etc...) since the games started. I am completely hooked and so proud of Team GB!

Throughout the games I have noticed that a lot of athletes have been sporting nail looks that feature their flag/flag colours and I decided that I wanted to achieve the same look. Of course there are nail foils that are going around with the GB flag on but considering I don't have enough patience for those to come in the post I decided to give it a go myself. Granted my Team GB flag isn't that neat but these nails took me fifteen minutes tops and I am really pleased with the end product!

Anyway on with the process! (Just to pre-warn you I'm not the best at explaining stuff sometimes! Sorry!)

#1. I painted my base coat and base colour to each of my nails. Of course you can choose any other colour (preferably something on the flag to keep it tied together) for your other fingers but keep the ring finger as the base flag to achieve the same look (hence the blue for Team GB).

#2. Once the bast colour coat has dried, take your white and follow the white of the Great British flag to achieve the second to first colour prominant on the flag. If need be have a picture of the flag close by and copy the image as best as you can.

#3. Again, once this has dried, take your bobby pin and coat one end of the clip with the next colour polish needed (in this case red). The reason I used a hair grip/bobby pin here was because I needed to achieve a thin line of red to allow there to be a peek of white still visible on the nails. Paine and wait to dry.

#4. Once all the nails are fully dried apply a topcoat to allow wear of the nails to last longer and enjoy the games!

Go Team GB!!!


Shannon Beer said...

Your nails look great!xx

Lizz said...

Thank you Shannon! :) x

Lizz said...
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Unknown said...

very nice :) I wish I could so nail art! xx


Unknown said...

I like the nail art on just one nail, I might be able to manage that one!


Lizz said...

Thanks everyone :) x

Mariel Parton said...

love those nails, looks so amazing <3
