#1. Today's Sunday Snap is courtesy of trampsville. Sorry about that it's just this sunday I'm not making an effort considering I most likely won't get out of bed because I want to focus on working.
#2. I started watching Supernatural again this week. In the space of two days I watched 10 episodes and I've now caught up on the whole of Season six that has been shown in the USA. It's kind of weird for me to watch that programme now just for the simple fact that both of the lead guys are married and when it first came on they were so young and not really in stable relationships. Also they actually look like they have grown up and when they first started the show they were so young. I was in high school when I first started watching the show so to now think I'm in my first year of Uni and I'm still watching, and the show itself is still going, makes me feel incredibly old. I remember the once I got blocked from the school internet because I watched a scene when one of the brothers, Sam, was shirtless so it was classed a "porn" hahaha! Luckily I was good student in ITC and blagged my way out of it and the teacher unblocked me when I made out I didn't know why I had been blocked in the first place.... Ha! It was definitely worth it considering Jared Padalecki is and was incredibly ripped!
#3. It was my Dad's birthday this week, Tuesday to be exact. He turned 55... Seriously if you were to see him he doesn't look it. He's not in bad shape, probably only has three grey hairs on his head and barely any wrinkles. I hope I take after him. Anyway, I had to mad dash around my local town to find him a present because I left it to the last minute. I'm such a bad daughter. BUT luck was on my side and I managed to get him the entire season of The Office for 7£! How cheap was that! Clearly someone got the message that I'm saving for my holiday... Anyway, he liked it so I was in his good books.... Maybe just maybe I'll be able to get those two coats I've really been wanting from Topshop.... Forever with my ulterior motives.
#4. I'm actually not as flustered about work now considering I was flicking through my diary (ooh get me!) and I've seen how much time I have before everything needs to be handed in. Of course I have two essays that need my full attention but if I use my time wisely, (next week I've got a "reading week" which has to be used to it's full ability) then I'll be fine. And breathe... phew!
#5. I went out Friday night with the girls to a club that I can't stand. Don't ask me why I bothered, and why I still spend my money on a place that I hate because clearly I can't answer that. And well as why I spend money on a taxi that takes me to said place. I mean I'm meant to be saving for a holiday yet I'm going out to places I can't stand. Someone shake me. I'm not saying that it wasn't a good night and man was I "hanging" on saturday morning, but I need to save!!!
#6. Woah, that post was long, I applaud you if you read it all.