sunday snap #18.

#1. Today's Sunday Snap is courtesy of trampsville. Sorry about that it's just this sunday I'm not making an effort considering I most likely won't get out of bed because I want to focus on working.

#2. I started watching Supernatural again this week. In the space of two days I watched 10 episodes and I've now caught up on the whole of Season six that has been shown in the USA. It's kind of weird for me to watch that programme now just for the simple fact that both of the lead guys are married and when it first came on they were so young and not really in stable relationships. Also they actually look like they have grown up and when they first started the show they were so young. I was in high school when I first started watching the show so to now think I'm in my first year of Uni and I'm still watching, and the show itself is still going, makes me feel incredibly old. I remember the once I got blocked from the school internet because I watched a scene when one of the brothers, Sam, was shirtless so it was classed a "porn" hahaha! Luckily I was good student in ITC and blagged my way out of it and the teacher unblocked me when I made out I didn't know why I had been blocked in the first place.... Ha! It was definitely worth it considering Jared Padalecki is and was incredibly ripped!

#3. It was my Dad's birthday this week, Tuesday to be exact. He turned 55... Seriously if you were to see him he doesn't look it. He's not in bad shape, probably only has three grey hairs on his head and barely any wrinkles. I hope I take after him. Anyway, I had to mad dash around my local town to find him a present because I left it to the last minute. I'm such a bad daughter. BUT luck was on my side and I managed to get him the entire season of The Office for 7£! How cheap was that! Clearly someone got the message that I'm saving for my holiday... Anyway, he liked it so I was in his good books.... Maybe just maybe I'll be able to get those two coats I've really been wanting from Topshop.... Forever with my ulterior motives.

#4. I'm actually not as flustered about work now considering I was flicking through my diary (ooh get me!) and I've seen how much time I have before everything needs to be handed in. Of course I have two essays that need my full attention but if I use my time wisely, (next week I've got a "reading week" which has to be used to it's full ability) then I'll be fine. And breathe... phew!

#5. I went out Friday night with the girls to a club that I can't stand. Don't ask me why I bothered, and why I still spend my money on a place that I hate because clearly I can't answer that. And well as why I spend money on a taxi that takes me to said place. I mean I'm meant to be saving for a holiday yet I'm going out to places I can't stand. Someone shake me. I'm not saying that it wasn't a good night and man was I "hanging" on saturday morning, but I need to save!!!

#6. Woah, that post was long, I applaud you if you read it all.

my week in pics #3.

1 - Weeping over carrying my heavy bag at uni.
2 - Early for my Thursday morning lecture is becoming standard procedure.
3 - Nothing like a cup of tea when you feel like crap.
4 - This is why myself and my best friend are best friends. We know each other too well.
5 - Flower power.
6 - New Years Resolution still going strong.
7 - Local derby football game.
8 - Rimmel Lasting Finish 193 Black Cherries.
9 - MONA gig. Check them out at


dress: asos
jacket: primark
leggings: topshop
nails: rimmel 030 double decker red

I'm in love with my recent purchase of this jacket from Primark. It's a replica of the Topshop leather sherling jacket and being a poor, poor student I have no intention of spending a lot of money on something that will probably go out of fashion due to the collar. So enter Primark, which appears to be clearing me out of money of late, and there ingenious idea of making the collar removable. I'm waiting for the weather to get slightly hotter before I actually wear it out to places that don't involve me being outside because it's freezing but all in all I can justify the 23£ I spent on it! :)

Posts will be lacking this week and I know that this will be the only post outfit wise anyway that I make due to the fact that I'm trying to get a lot of my work done. I wrote out all the "assignments" that I need to do this semester and it counted out to be 13. And I'm only a first year. O.O Blah! Today I started planning one of my essays and hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the week. It's only 1000 words so as soon as I get into my stride with making my points and writing it should be okay. Wish me luck!

sunday snap #17.

#1. Welcome to Sunday "ImeanSaturday" Snap 017. Sorry I'm posting this a day early but tomorrow is going to be mad because one I'm going to watch my local derby footbal game and two.... BRACE YOURSELVES.... I'M EXCITED.... SUPER EXCITED IN FACT..... SEEING MONA!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS BAND! ARGH!!!

#2. This week has been stressful mainly because I've allowed it to be. I'm ill, which sucks, so I've been trying to sleep as much as I can not that I'm capable of that considering my body likes to eff up its own sleeping pattern. Fingers crossed I'm okay for tomorrow!

#3. I've been listening to Adele on repeat all week, well the past two weeks actually because she incredible! People need to take note of what talent is, and that is definitely her. She blew me away at the Brits and HANDS DOWN was the best performance of the night. I adore her songs, "Rolling In The Deep", "Someone Like You", "Rumour Has It" and "Set Fire To The Rain". I recommend that everyone checks out her new album 21... It's amazing!

#4. Why are friends so infuriating? Like seriously sometimes my circle of friends try so hard to create drama that it's actually annoying! We're all meant to be going on a girly holiday in the summer and certain rifts are beginning to show again because people like to basically shit stir. It's annoying! We're all 19, some of us almost 20, and we shouldn't be doing this! It's making me regret even deciding going, grrr!


dress: asos
cardigan: primark
leggings: topshop
ring: (l-r) primark, topshop

Another one of my peter pan dresses that I've whipped out. This the first time that I've worn it and I love it. I teamed it with my trusty cardigan from Primark which is navy and the two colours burnt orange and navy reminded me of something royal, hence the title. Again my hair has been getting on my nerves recently so bam its up again in a top knot. I definitely wouldn't leave the house like this, well maybe the outfit, but not the hair. I look like a tramp. But it was okay for me to go on camera like this and do and outfit of the day and film a mini-haul video. Oh yeah, that's completely fine. /Sarcasm.

I won't be leaving the house today though because I have a day off of uni and I'm going to be working my butt off to do as much work as I can in the next couple of hours. Of course I've written a trusty to-do list and I'm going to hunt it down like a mo-fo. LOL! I'll let you know how I get on... Ha!

sunday snap #16.

#1. Someone remind me why I go out again? Honestly I'm not a big drinker and I don't have a hangover but lack of sleep really messes up with me. I'm not even kidding my body is aching like I am coming down with some sort of virus.. It maybe all the dancing but boy oh boy am I going to be getting an early night in tonight. At least I don't have to be in uni until the afternoon tomorrow so I can get 10 hours of sleep in and still workout. Wow, my life is incredibly boring haha!

#2. Valentines Day tomorrow... Without a Valentine... That is all.

#3. THE STROKES NEW SINGLE IS INCREDIBLE. Not even kidding. I haven't always been a fan of them, I mean I've liked the odd song here and there of theirs but the last two/three years I've really gotten into them. They are an amazing band and I'd love to see them live. I mean Julian Casabalancas is such a beauty. I ADORE his EP... So... I don't really know where I'm going with this but yeah.... I just really love the new single. It's been on repeat since I downloaded it Wednesday night. Good sign?

#4. So much for saving money! Thursday because I wasn't feeling very well I decided to blow some money and bought some stuff from Primark. I spent 36£ in there. AND then I went out... So yeah I blowed about another 30£.... Ummm, I'm meant to be saving for my girls holiday in the summer. BIG FAT FAIL. I promise it won't happen again haha!

peaches and cream.

shirt: asos
leggings: topshop
rings: asos, topshop.

Wasn't the brightest idea to wear a black bra but ignore that. Arms are out, no worries they were covered with a trusty cardigan. I'm honestly going to be lost when summer arrives because I love a good cardigan yet I want a tan. I'm a walking contradiction sometimes. Anyway theres nothing I like more than an outfit that looks good even if its something that I've just thrown on, hence the reason why I love these shirts.

It's the weekend now so I'm super happy! Trying to complete work and organise everything for deadlines that aren't being set 100% its driving me crazy. I'll work through it somehow! There's been some great television on, including the new drama - The Promise. I'm a huge television geek, I adore staying in and watching dramas, or interesting programmes addressing matters. As much as I love nights out sometimes you can't beat a warm cup of tea and a duvet. Plus it helps an awful lot when the actual programme has someone who's rather attractive in it *cough* Christian Cooke *cough* :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend and check in soon... I'm thinking I'll have at least one ~*OOTD*~ and a youtube video up for next week... I'm not promising anything but watch this space!

check check.

shirt: topshop
leggings: asos
shoes: primark
rings: (l-r) asos, all 3 others topshop
nails: barry m mushroom and collection 2000 midnight rouge

I feel like I haven't worn this shirt in years. I was looking through my clothes and came across it. However after photographing these picture I decided against it and went for a baggy tee instead. I'm terrible when it comes to shirts haha! I think I've only worn this shirt a couple of times and I've had it for at least two years. Wasteful! My outfit today is complete OCD at is very best. Green on green, or khaki, whatever. I'm just really loving khaki and tan colours together of late, I think they work well with my hair colour. Slowly I'm embracing colour and moving away from black. I don't know how I'm going to feel when it comes to wear bright, bright colours. I'm sure I'll ease myself into it slowly and the sun will definitely help! Just wish it would hurry itself up!

Life wise I'm getting to myself at the moment and everything appears to be getting me down. I know exactly why and it's stupid but I can't shake certain feelings out of my head. They say January is the month of depression but so far my February is far worse! At least I've got this weekend to look forward too celebrating two of my friend's birthdays... Happy Days!

sunday snap #15.

#1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER! He's 24! Wow. He got old. Haha!

#2. I've been really getting into my "old bands" again this week like The White Stripes and The Strokes. Seriously had their albums on play all this week and it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon either.. I'm not complaining. I absolutely adore The Strokes, some of their songs are insane, it's nice to put on a song and have a little nostalgic moment where you remember something that happened years back.

#3. This weeks Sunday Snap is OLD. I took the picture a while back, check out the V Festival band that's still attached to my wrist. I just haven't had time to take photos of myself. Haha... That's sounds so egotistical like I do it all the time... Moving on... So I just slotted this picture in. One thing that's stays true to me though is the hair. A top knot bun is always a life saver.

#4. In my Media, Power and Politics lecture this week we talked about The News of The World and the phone hacking scandal that has been happening for years now. Well Friday I watched the Dispatches show about it and I have to say it really opened my eyes. It's made me second guess going into Journalism as a profession. I'm worried that no matter what happens you're always going to be turned into someone who deceits those around you. I couldn't do that. I mean sure many a journalist out there doesn't do that, and remains true to themselves and the truth around them/or of what they are producing but it's a big wake up call for me. How much power does the media have over us? I leave you to think about that over your lazy sunday haha.... :)


cardigan: asos
leggings: topshop
tunic: primark
rings: dorothy perkins and asos

Woke up an ridiculous time this morning and got dressed in the dark. Meh. Sat through my politics and media lecture which was actually quite interesting and came home to do some work. So glad I've not got an extremely long Thursday today because I really don't think I could have handled it. I'm seriously lacking energy, I hope it doesn't mean that I'm coming down with something.

It's my brother's birthday Sunday and I have no idea what to get it. Arrgh! Why are boys always so hard to buy for? The worst thing is he tends to get a lot of stuff that he wants when he wants it. I think I may just get something to do with iTunes (cop out) but at least I know he'll use them.

Outfit posts are becoming hard because money is an issue. Birthdays are everywhere, I've got a holiday in the summer with ym girls, I'm planning on visiting London with my Mom for her birthday. It's just annoying right now. Clothes are lacking. I'm hating everything in my wardrobe. So sorry in advance because I know you've seen this tunic from Primark already but I'm a poor, poor student at the moment. /End Moan.


jeans: topshop
jumper: asos

I appear to be losing the will to live with everything. I cannot be bothered. It's really bad. I hate when my lazy nature kicks in and I have no motivation. Halfway through the week and I just want it to be over already. As you can tell this laziness is coming through in my fashion. I'm living in the most boring things because I don't care. Fingers crossed it passes soon.

I'm really interested in the bright colours trend that's hitting us so maybe that will help lighten my mood. I've seen a shirt that I really like so I'm most likely going to get that. However I don't know whether I can justify the 70£ + price tag so that's going to have to have a lot of thought thrown into it.

Sorry for the boring post. I'm just going to quite whilst I'm ahead. Have a great day!