cardigan: primark
leggings: topshop
ring: (l-r) primark, topshop
Another one of my peter pan dresses that I've whipped out. This the first time that I've worn it and I love it. I teamed it with my trusty cardigan from Primark which is navy and the two colours burnt orange and navy reminded me of something royal, hence the title. Again my hair has been getting on my nerves recently so bam its up again in a top knot. I definitely wouldn't leave the house like this, well maybe the outfit, but not the hair. I look like a tramp. But it was okay for me to go on camera like this and do and outfit of the day and film a mini-haul video. Oh yeah, that's completely fine. /Sarcasm.
I won't be leaving the house today though because I have a day off of uni and I'm going to be working my butt off to do as much work as I can in the next couple of hours. Of course I've written a trusty to-do list and I'm going to hunt it down like a mo-fo. LOL! I'll let you know how I get on... Ha!

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