#1. Someone remind me why I go out again? Honestly I'm not a big drinker and I don't have a hangover but lack of sleep really messes up with me. I'm not even kidding my body is aching like I am coming down with some sort of virus.. It maybe all the dancing but boy oh boy am I going to be getting an early night in tonight. At least I don't have to be in uni until the afternoon tomorrow so I can get 10 hours of sleep in and still workout. Wow, my life is incredibly boring haha!
#2. Valentines Day tomorrow... Without a Valentine... That is all.
#3. THE STROKES NEW SINGLE IS INCREDIBLE. Not even kidding. I haven't always been a fan of them, I mean I've liked the odd song here and there of theirs but the last two/three years I've really gotten into them. They are an amazing band and I'd love to see them live. I mean Julian Casabalancas is such a beauty. I ADORE his EP... So... I don't really know where I'm going with this but yeah.... I just really love the new single. It's been on repeat since I downloaded it Wednesday night. Good sign?
#4. So much for saving money! Thursday because I wasn't feeling very well I decided to blow some money and bought some stuff from Primark. I spent 36£ in there. AND then I went out... So yeah I blowed about another 30£.... Ummm, I'm meant to be saving for my girls holiday in the summer. BIG FAT FAIL. I promise it won't happen again haha!

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