leggings: topshop
tunic: primark
rings: dorothy perkins and asos
Woke up an ridiculous time this morning and got dressed in the dark. Meh. Sat through my politics and media lecture which was actually quite interesting and came home to do some work. So glad I've not got an extremely long Thursday today because I really don't think I could have handled it. I'm seriously lacking energy, I hope it doesn't mean that I'm coming down with something.
It's my brother's birthday Sunday and I have no idea what to get it. Arrgh! Why are boys always so hard to buy for? The worst thing is he tends to get a lot of stuff that he wants when he wants it. I think I may just get something to do with iTunes (cop out) but at least I know he'll use them.
Outfit posts are becoming hard because money is an issue. Birthdays are everywhere, I've got a holiday in the summer with ym girls, I'm planning on visiting London with my Mom for her birthday. It's just annoying right now. Clothes are lacking. I'm hating everything in my wardrobe. So sorry in advance because I know you've seen this tunic from Primark already but I'm a poor, poor student at the moment. /End Moan.

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