#1. Spent most of my week watching wrestling. That sounds so lame when it's written out but its the truth. I watched attitude era WWE or WWF as it was known as back then and I have to say I miss those type of storylines so much! In parituclar the HHH and Stephanie McMahon marriage/era. I wanted to be Stephanie so much back in the day because I was in love with HHH so much (baring in mind this was 1999 and I was only 8/9 year old at the time haha!) I only hope that WWE goes back to how it was back then because it's actually terrible now... Sadly.
#2. I've been investing in more literature this week, a lot of the books are by Philippa Gregory because I absolutely adore her writing. Taking a period of History and make it come alive in fiction is something that I enjoy reading because it captures me. I've really started enjoying reading again and can't believe that I have neglected it in such a way up until now. The way the imagination works by letting our eyes run over the words of a book is far more exciting that watching a program, hopefully I can keep this up!
#3. Television series appear to be taking over my life. At the beginning of the week I started with Game of Thrones which is of course fantastic! And now I'm onto Camelot.... I have to say anything historical is definitely grabbing me at the moment. I never used to be that much of television person if I tell you the truth, but because I'm wanting to save money, its the only thing that one can turn to in order for entertainment. It's a good job that television is so good at the moment otherwise I would be f'd hahaha!
#4. I am so over being sick. Since I got back from Ibiza I have had the worst cough ever.... I hate going to the doctors but it has gotten so bad that I think I may just have to surrender and book myself an appointment. The thing is sometimes I don't even notice that I'm ill and then I can wake up one morning and feel terrible. I wish my immune system wouldn't fail me so much.

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