#1. I smashed the screen on my iPhone this week, it's such a bummer, especially because I've had that phone since I was seventeen and I've not smashed it once. Okay, I've dropped it a couple of times, everywhere, but to never have it break on me it lucky. Obviously too lucky! When I say dropped it everywhere, I mean everywhere, outside my local train stop and it hasn't cracked once. The one time I leave it on the arm rest of my couch and it falls onto the floor, face down and smashes, can you believe it! Hopefully I'll be able to get an upgrade for my 20th this year.
#2. I really think it's passed a joke how there are no jobs out there. I am sitting at home an wasting my time doing nothing and I would love a job. Most people my age can't be bothered to work but I would KILL for a job... Seriously even if its just a temporary job of some sort. Ideally I want to work in retail which means Christmas time is going to be my best friend because I'm gonna have to try my hardest to get a Christmas temp shop in one of my favourite high street stores if I can... Fingers crossed.
#3. Youtube Gurus have really been inspiring me this week, especially this one girl. I can't remember her name but she has the most amazing hair in her videos. I mean it is never the same, either she'll have it plaited in a grecian style or a really thick top knot (made me super jealous!). It just made me think that instead of spending a lot of money on clothes and things sometimes all people need to do take pride in their hair or makeup and its enough.
#4. The riots were ridiculous, I'm really glad they ended. It was horrible seeing a city that is so close to me getting smashed up. It was absolutely disgusting how people could do that and use the excuse that they are/were bored or don't have anything. In this day and age you don't get things for free, you have to make your own opportunities. I don't have a job and I finished my first year of Uni at the end of April but you don't see me smashing up shops and stealing, because their "excuse" (which is exactly that) is utter rubbish. I take it upon myself every day, if I can, to look for a job, try and find volunteer work to better myself and to show to an employee if that time ever comes when I do get a job/interview that no matter what was happening around me I was still determined enough to try and better myself. The people who were stealing are just thugs, opportunists, who should know better but sadly it appears don't. Poverty is no excuse for doing what you were doing, everyone is feeling the recession, particularly all working class families, so how dare they tar everyone with the same brush by using the current climate as an excuse - people should know the difference better right and wrong and it is wrong to loot, to steal. If you want something get off your backside and work for it like every other decent human being! My thoughts are with the people who have lost everything they own or loved ones and I hope that justice and the law prevails soon.

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