wednesday wants #15 - the ankle boot

Hello all! This is the first time that I've decided to do a shoe in my "wednesday wants" segment. Considering we are on the cusp of autumn I thought it was the perfect time to show how you can wear a boot like this. Dorothy Perkins appear to be upping their game lately and this is why I've chose their boot - by incorporating a brogue feel to the style it looks vintage chic and comfortable all at the same time. Taking key colours of yellow and green and letting them rest against black and gold rounds of the outfit whilst making them stand out and steal the show.

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1. boots
2. dress
3. jacket
4. ring
5. tights
6. earrings

Pairing polar opposites can often work especially in the case of floral prints and leather. Contrasting colours that pop, like green and mustard yellow, allows the black background to work well and give thought effect.

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1. boots
2. vest
3. jeans
4. cardigan
5. pearl studs

Outfit number two is definitely my favourite out of all three in this weeks post. I really enjoy the simplicity of the outfit. It does the job in creating a feature out of the boots giving them a rocky edge and allowing them to shine. Using the pearls softens the harsh choppiness of cropped top and jean and adds girly to rocky.

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1. boots
2. playsuit
3. cardigan
4. socks
5. earrings

This outfit is a transition outfit, incorporating bare legs with cardigan and socks - perfect for autumn months when they weather can drastically change from cold to hot and vice versa. The coral cardigan sits against the geometric pattern perfectly due to the colour being injected into said pattern - picking out certain colours and matching other items to this can complete any outfit perfectly.

*EDIT* I'm currently working on the layout. Hopefully everyone is liking what they are seeing so far, I've still got to figure out how to make my actual blog space wider as I am aware that half of the pictures are getting cut off... Fingers crossed I see where the coding is going wrong. Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!

*EDIT-EDIT* DONE! So chuffed with the new layout... Some minor changes to add still like date and changing of links but I think I need to research further into that... AKA ask my brother haha! (And read some books/internet docs) Enjoy!