Scandalous Shampoo and Conditioner Review.

This range is something I had been meaning to try for a while but never got round to it. However when this caught my eye in my local Superdrug I just knew that I should grab it whilst I thought about it and add my views on the product to the no doubt abundance of opinions already out there in the beauty blogasphere.

Firstly I reached for the Insatiable Shine shampoo - no particular reason other than this was the only one that I could find at the time. I wouldn't say that my hair lacks shine. I like to say I pride myself on a considerably healthy lifestyle/diet and try to get as much nutrients into my system as I can to allow "attributes" (if you so will) to shine naturally. However upon this product I have to say that I have noticed a little bit of difference to the way my hair looks - nothing major, but then again I wasn't expecting a miracle either! The texture of the product like most shampoos is considerably runny. One thing that defintely draws me to this product is the scent. It's light, fresh and reminds me of a natural, garden smell - therefore appealling for summer. (Not that we have one at the moment in England! I suppose this product could help you dream though!)

Secondly I am going to talk about the conditioner which is part of the 'Big and Beautiful' range. What this range aims to do is exactly what it days; easy root uplift and bigger hair, and I have whilst my hair isn't the thinnest there has definitely been a difference in the volume created to my hair from the use of this product. Although upon dispense the conditioner is thick and creamy when applied to the hair its smoothing ability through the locks isn't the best. However, the end results achieved with this product (like I said) allow this small negative to slide. My roots are uplifted and there is nice bounce to my hair.

Overall I would definitely recommend both these products, whilst they aren't groundbreaking they achieve what they claim relatively well (and lets be honest products don't always achieve what we think they will in our heads... It's just never the same is it?!) and that's good enough for me!

All products retail at £3.49 in Superdrug at the time of this review.