fitness friday: hydration and water are key.

picture courtesy of weheartit

"Drink eight glasses of water a day" is a saying that we are all knowable of, but are there any benefits regarding weight loss and fitness. Water hydrates the body and helps it work more efficiently showcasing how it is an essential drink in every day life. Not only this but it also boosts the bodies metabolic rate, which gives us energy and helps to burn calories, highlighting how it is also a great tool for those who are 'dieting'.

There are numerous benefits of water, a well-hydrated body helps muscles and organs work quickly and efficiently. When the body is working well, it's metabolic rate will raise and give your more of an energetic feel whilst raising the metabolism and in turn burning calories up to 3% faster. This is key to losing weight - in order to get your body to work the way you want, it is important to give your body what it needs.

Whilst many say they detest water and it's taste (or lack of), there are food products that contain the substance too. Therefore if you want to incorporate more water in your diet it is essential to scour through the products that contain high amounts of added sugar and fats, and incorporate high water content foods (fruits and vegetables) into your daily diet to feel the benefit too. Melons, cucumber and tomatoes are good examples of this. Whilst these do not replace the benefits of drinking water directly they help provide hydration along with other vitamins and minerals needed for the body.

Since feeling thirsty and hungry often go hand-in-hand, if you are feeling thirsty you might accidentally mistake this for "hunger pains" and start searching for the nibbles rather than diving for a glass of water. It is important to listen to your body and what it needs. By keeping a glass of water close at hand you are less likely to gain those extra pounds. Also by drinking water you can begin to  recognise the difference between the two grumbling pains and possibly help eradicate gaining unnecessary pounds when you aren't hungry.

Regarding dieting it is more important to drink a lot of water throughout the day whilst starting a healthy eating kick. No only will it energise your body for exercise, it will kick start your metabolism and keep it going throughout the day - burning those calories, curbing those "hunger pains" and helping muscles recover after exercising and training has taken place.

It is safe to say that water is awesome! The benefits go from the very vain led making the skin better and reducing the look of cellulite, to the very health conscious boosting of energy levels and increasing your metabolism. It is one of those vital substances our body needs. It is a great dietary tool and one that can easily be incorporated into our every day life - and for free! What more could you ask for?!

Tips for those who think drinking water is unthinkable:
- Incorporate water into your diet through fruits and vegetables.
- Add a dash of sugar free squash to give taste.