fitness friday: what to expect?

image courtesy of weheartit
This is probably going to be one of the most honest segments slotted into wowitslizz. I've been wanting to write about fitness and weight loss since I embarked on "my journey". Let me just say I hate that phrase and the fact that I used it makes me shuddered slightly but then again that's exactly what it is... A journey. A journey in which lifestyles change, new habits are learnt, old habits are lost; hopefully with a couple of pounds along the way! However it isn't something that I am always comfortable in "putting out" there if you will. I think weight etc is very personal and the way in which society almost expects people to look a certain way can, at times, make me feel very uncomfortable. Yet, I'm going to try my hardest to forget about those thoughts and focus on why I want to incorporate this segment into my blog. In time, hopefully I'll be able to share this and give little snippets along the way. Maybe when I reach my target dress size, or weight. We shall see.

Anyway, the reason for this post is to sort of explain what "fitness friday" is about and what sort of items can be expected within it.  Every Friday, I'm going to try and touch upon something different within the whole market that is "fitness". Whether this be telling you about my weekly food diets, my exercise regieme, or just some general ideas of how to change your lifestyle slowly I'm not too sure. As the market is so vast, I'm going to be writing about a broad spectrum of things in order to cover as much as I can; however I am only human and no doubt will miss the odd thing or two. I'll also try my hardest to incorporate fashion into this segment considering this is what my blog was started for - but let's face it, it's not rocket science how these two relate - as those pounds go you're clothes are going to look tons better in fit/how they sit on your body.

I also want to say that I'm not trying to preach anything here, I'm just writing about stuff that I'm interested in here and now. Whether this segment lasts, I'm not sure. I'd like to think it will and that it will give me the drive to keep getting fitter and healthier but who knows, only time will tell. Until then, be healthy and happy.