week in pics #22

#1. Barry M - Red Black, #2. Brushing up on my driving, #3. Hot bath + bath salts = goodbye muscle ache from running, #4. Another driving book, #5. Snacks, #6. French Mani, #7. Soup, #8. Dinner, #9. Treat, #10. Volvic challenge, #11. Highway code, #12. Catching up on one of my fave youtubers/bloggers, #13. c25k training, #14. Yummy!, #15. Obssessed with Bejeweled Blitz (no life), #16. Food diary 1, #17. Food diary stuffs, #18. Natural Collections' - Antique Coral, #19. c25k, #20. Breakfast, #20. Loving this series from Gemma at gemsmaquillage, #21, 22, 23. Food, food and more food!, #24. WW, #25. New high score, #26. c2k training for the week complete!, #27. porridge, #28. SLTAT, #29. Lunch, #30. Weight/toning training plan, #31. Another new high score, #32. Primark goodies, #33. Tackling my new crosstrainer!


Hola Bambi said...

Love a primark haul! :)