#1. First up WASSUP 2011!!!!!!! You started off great but have now gone poop because I have to write and essay for uni that's in two weeks time... Gah! WHYYYYYYY! Anyway, I had a great New Years with friends, dancing and singing the night away. I had some much fun, but now I need to get back into the grind.
#2. News Years Resolutions, I hate them, but this year I've really decided that I'm going to get back into the swing of fitness. I'm gonna start slowly, hence the exercise bike that I had as a Christmas Present, and then I'm gonna re-join the gym. I'm am looking to lose weight, but really I'd like to drop dress sizes and feel happy with my body. Another resolution is to drink alcohol a whole lot less, I'm gonna be T-total unless I go out properly, but this I mean to a club, that's it. I had to do this because I really feel terrible, I need some form of motivation again. Plus I have a bunch of clothes that are amazing and I can't quite fit into!
#3. To be honest I don't know what else to say on this! I'm glad I got some outfit posts up this week even if the pictures that go with them are terrible haha! I hope everyone is having a great New Year so far and here's to a fab 2011.
Oh yeah, and PS: How great was it that it was 1.1.11 yesterday? Haha, I'm such a geek!

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