#1. So the first week of January has already gone, can you believe it! Why is everything going by so fast? Essay update as of today is that I have 361 words left to right, in which I have explain my argument and conclude. I don't make things easy for myself do I?
#2. Working out update: I biked 12 miles, 5 times this week. I lost 4lbs, and in general feel so much better about myself. I don't know what it is but I really feel the difference now. I know that I'm going to keep going with what I'm doing, it's gonna be harder when at Uni with the temptation of fast food surrounding me every where but it has just got to be done.
#3. I'm glad the snow only stayed for one day, it finally got the message thank god! I hate the snow, sure its great to look out at, and makes everything pretty but its really dangerous. I'd like to have a safe travel rather than walking like goodness knows what because I don't want to fall. My biggest fear about snow is falling, ugh! I just hate it!
#4. I'll try my hardest to update the blog this week but with work being the main priority if I don't get my essay spot on done then chances are looking slim. I may get a video up on my youtube, chances of that happening are more likely and I'll upload it to here too, so check that out if you can! Everyone have a great night!

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