#1. This weeks TV obsessions have been trash TV. I've finished True Blood up to season three and I have to say it was brilliant. I am actually considering investing in the books. Right now I'm loving Jersey Shore (which I always do), My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and Vampire Diaries which returned this weekend. I don't think I'll have enough time soon to keep up with all my favourite programmes thanks to all the uni work but I'll somehow find a way... I have to, it keeps me sane that little bit of chill time!
#2. I went out with my girls yesterday to Chiquitos it was goooood. I'm watching my eating and trying to choose healthy options and it appears to be working. I can still go out and have a good time just focus on my moderation and exercise. Next week I'm upping my workouts to try and get to my target weight for my holiday... So far so good just need to keep up motivation. And it's not actually like I've lost it at all. I feel weird if I'm not working out at the start of every morning now, it's become natural to me even after a month! I'm looking forward to seeing the end result if I say so myself.
#3. I'm starting uni work even though I have a long time to complete it. I need to keep on top of work this year in order to actually be able to have a life around it. I have two weeks to do a Literacy Review before I start the next topic given to me but it doesn't have to be in until April as a huge portfolio. However me being the freak of OCD nature I need to get on with something to know I'm actually doing something. I am completely blah about this though as I don't 100% understand what I'm doing meaning I'm going to email my tutor about the most menial of things but if it's got to be done to pass then it's got to be done!
#4. Weight update: I've lost 9lbs! I am actually chuffed about it so much you don't realise. I can see a slight difference in my body but not a lot. I've got into my Forever 21 dress which was one of my goals but I'm only a small way there yet. I really want to lost about two-three stone before I go on holiday and if I keep on top of it I'll meet my goal. Really need to invest back into a gym pass, it's just life gets in the way and if I can workout at home I'm less likely to skive off. Haha! I am actually feeling tons more confident about doing OOTD posts and stuff like that so this can only mean bigger/better things for the blog! Woop! :P

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