#1. Sunday snap is here again folks. I don't have much to fill you in on this week. My life has consisted of working out, chilling, hanging out with friends and clubbing. Yesterday I went out up town for my friends 19th birthday which is tomorrow! I had a great time. Most likely I'll have an outfit post of my outfit up for you guys on that tomorrow or Tuesday. Slightly weary of posting the pictures because I don't like them but then again when do I?
#2. I cleaned my bedroom out this week and found so much junk that it's unbelievable. I am such a hoarder! It's actually really bad though. My mom has put a ban on me buying any new clothes. I can't say I blame her really, they are everywhere in the house! Haha! I shouldn't laugh about it really think about all the money I've spent and what I could have bought with it!
#3. I thought I went back to Uni this commencing week but apparently I don't start until the following week due to last minute scheduling changes. GET. IN. Haha! Sometimes it really is the little things isn't it?
#4. Working out commenced again this week. I biked 13 miles a day, five times a week, and increased my intensity. My Dad said he can tell I've lost weight. Not a lot, probably 5lbs, but small amounts. I most likely put it back on from going out yesterday but you only live once and as long as I stay on the road next week this weekend will have been forgotten. Just think of the dream body at the end eh?

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