skirt: asos
tights: topshop
rings: primark, forever 21
nails: red black: barry m
I know I probably shouldn't say it but these photos look so morbid. Eek! It's not a good look. Sorry I posted them but I took them this morning and haven't got the time to actually take any others. Not really anything inspiring but thought I would post anyway. Sadly I think I'm slipping back into my old ways of black on black on black on black on black on black (you catch my drift yet?)...
Can't believe it is essentially the end of January. This month has actually gone really quick. Usually it drags to high heaven and I find myself getting incredibly "depressed" during this time. However it hasn't really happened this year, woo hoo! I am looking forward the summer though, I know I'm wishing my life away, but I just want to feel free again!
I'm not going to post much else because my Internet keeps cutting out. I really hope it isn't anything serious but I've got a feeling unfortunately that it is.