top: topshop
tights: primark
shorts: new look
earrings: topshop
rings: topshop, h&m
This week has been going from one bad thing to the next. Maybe I'm being melodramatic slightly but I've been in one of those moods where I can't see the postive side of anything. Hopefully a night out with the girls to celebrate my best friends birthday tomorrow will help. I really don't want to be feeling like crap when I go out, especially as I don't want to ruin anything for anyone, definitely not my best friend anyway!
My Kettlebell from amazon came Tuesday and man oh man does that thing work out muscles that you didn't even know you had! My body has been aching so much since I started using it but that shows it works right? Have to say I couldn't help but laugh my head off at the poster that came with it. Mainly because one of the models was Lee out of Steps. I did one of those double take things when I was running my eyes over the different exercises. The things you do for money, haha!

Love this post - Ive got this jacket but in black.
Love your blog.
I found you via youtube and I subbed!
Thank you so much :) xx
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