#1. This week I've been getting back into my fitness, working out 6 times a week and mixing it up. I have to say at the beginning of the year I slacked majorly, mostly because I felt like everything was getting on top of me. However, my energy levels have changed dramatically and I've gotten the working out buzz back. This year I think I really want to turn my attention to the gym. Currently I work out at home, doing a mixture of DVDs, biking, weight lifting etc... But I would really love to get into running. It's something that I haven't ever been able to do, not properly anyway, and there's something about this year that I feel like is going to make that change. Whether it actually happens though I'm not sure, we'll see.
#2. Had a great night Friday celebrating my best friend turning 20! Honestly cannot believe we met six years ago now when we were sat next to each other in a seating plan for Year 9 English. We're all getting so old now... But we'll still be the same teenager, high school girls at heart haha!
#3. This week I have to say one ting that particularly annoyed me was being the bigger person. Sometimes is it actually worth it?! Angers me because I'm not a bad person but when people choose to ignore you it actually really pisses me off... I guess some people just really aren't worth your time are they.
#4. Insomnia has been such a bitch this week! I'm finding it really hard to sleep and the worst thing is I wanted to start getting back into a routine before Uni cam back round so I don't look like the living dead when my lecture actually start back up again. Worst thing is I'm pretty sure there isn't a cure for insomnia, I don't really want sleeping tablets or anything so I'm stuck. Sucks.
#5. Follow five! Firstly, Charlene at dainty dress. Secondly, the magpie girl. Thirdly, vivatramp. Fourthly, noir nouvelle and lastly, wakeupbuttercup

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